December 11th, 2024
City of Randall
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
December 11th, 2024
6:00 PM
Randall City Hall
Council Members Present:
Council Member Mary Venske
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright
Council Member Carrie Turner
Clerk James Chyba
Mayor Dan Noss
Staff Members Present: City Manager Matt Pantzke, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Moffitt
Guests Present: Joseph from the Morrison County Record
Call to Order: Mayor Dan Noss called the Final Tax Levy Hearing special meeting to order at6:00 PM.
Pantzke reported that the preliminary levy was set at 5%, but could go lower. No residents were present for comment or concern. Council to set levy at the regular council meeting.
Levy hearing special meeting adjourned by Noss at 6:03pm.
Regular Council Meeting called to order by Noss at 6:03pm.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the minutes of the regular city council meeting on November 13th, 2024 and the special meeting on December 9th. Motion Carried.
Payment of the Bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.
Public Comment: No public comment or concern.
Donation Requests/Donations Accepted
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to approve resolution #12112024 accepting $5000.00 from the Randall VFW for the Independence Day Celebration. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Pantzke to sit down with potential buyer of commercial lot located by the clinic to see if they can agree on a price to present to council. Noss reported that he is pleased someone is expressing interest in purchasing the property. Discussion tabled.
New Business:
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve off sale and tobacco license for Half Pints Liquor for 2025. Motion carried.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to not waive tort liability limits for insurance renewal.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve $1.25 increase per hour for employee health insurance benefit. Noss opposed citing that he wanted it to be a $2.00 increase. Motion carried.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the 2025 wage scale. Motion carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to set the levy at 3%. Noss opposed. Motion carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve the 2025 budget with the changes in the health insurance benefit and approved levy. Motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Permits: None
Delinquent Accounts: Council members reviewed delinquent accounts. No comments.
Committee Reports:
Pantzke reported that he and Moffitt have been busy preparing the budget. He has had additional meetings for the Wastewater Treatment Plant – planning is 60% complete. Upcoming meeting regarding the water meter replacement project. Pantzke to research the cannibas ordinance to determine what the best option is for the city’s long term benefit.
Mayor Dan Noss: Nothing
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright: Thanked everyone for another great year.
Clerk Jim Chyba: Reported that Shady’s kitchen project is moving along and the kitchen should be opening shortly.
Council Member Carrie Turner: Turner had questions regarding the clothing allowance, and also asked Keith to follow up on his request for a cell phone booster or land-line at the water plant. Patrick is also to research options for a tool box on his truck.
Council Member Mary Venske: Also wanted to thank everyone for another great year.
Next Regular Council Meeting: January 8th, 2025 at Randall City Hall
Meeting Adjourned: 6:49