August 14th, 2024

City of Randall
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
August 14th, 2024
6:00 PM
Randall City Hall
Council Members Present:
Mayor Dan Noss
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright
Council Member Carrie Turner
Council Member Mary Venske
Clerk James Chyba
Staff Members Present: City Manager Matt Pantzke, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Moffitt
Guests Present: Joseph from the Morrison County Record
Call to Order:  Mayor Dan Noss called the meeting to order at6:00 PM.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the minutes of the regular city council meetings on July 10th, 2024. Motion Carried.
Payment of the Bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner.  Motion carried.
Public Comment/Requests: None
Donation Requests/Donations Accepted: Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve Resolution 08142024 accepting a $500 donation from the Randall VFW for the food pantry.  Motion carried.
Old Business: 
Brummer Addition: Pantzke reported that the city received its lowest quote from Elite Underground to begin the installation of transformers in the new addition.  The county had some questions about the platting that was approved by city council last month, including questions about the unbuildable plots that run adjacent to existing plots.  Pantzke spoke with Terry Roach who is going to sell the plots to those owners bordering the unbuildable plots so no plots are landlocked.  Platting to be finalized in the upcoming weeks, then parcel ID’s can be created.  The site for the duplex has been chosen, and a permit will be submitted to planning and zoning for September approval.  Paving in the new addition to be assessed back to new homeowners.
Primary election: Election was held on August 13th.  No issues and 72 residents voted.
New Business: 
Chyba motioned and Venske seconded to sale the property that was donated to the city by the Chyba family behind the VFW to the VFW for $1.00 plus legal fees.  Motion carried.
Wright motioned and Turner seconded to accept the color and logo for the water tower.  Motion carried.
Long Prairie Sanitation increased recycling fees due to them now being charged $80/ton by the Todd County Landfill.  Wright motioned and Turner seconded to approve the $1.00 rate increase for recycling due to rate increase.  Motion carried.
Wright was approached by OK Tire and Bait to have the city look at drainage near his business.  City employees found that the culvert near OK Tire was not above grade which resulted in debris buildup.  Crosby dug the ditch out which fixed the drainage problem however it resulted in a very steep ditch. Crosby will be installing a culvert and filling the ditch to eliminate safety concerns for the city.  While the city has done what it can to help alleviate drainage problems, the county remains concerned that the property may still have drainage issues due to the large amount of items piled up on the property.
MNDot has agreed to sell or convey a parcel of land between the compost pile and highway 10 to the city to put in underground utilities.
A resident requested the city add a brush pile to the west side of highway 10 during the road construction.  Due to contamination concerns from Minnesota Rural Water at the water treatment plant and the wellhead protection plan throughout the city, the only viable option on city property would be the cemetery.  Council felt this was not a good option and the request was denied.
Planning and Zoning Permits:
Delinquent Accounts: Council agreed to shut off all utilities to account #812 with the exception of sewer and garbage.
Committee Reports: Patrick, Keith, Geno and Matt have been working on getting the city cleaned up after the storm.  A meter phasing map has been created to assist identifying the source of a power outage, and safety checklists are in the process of being implemented throughout the city. 
Mayor Dan Noss: Nothing 
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright: Nothing
Clerk Jim Chyba: Nothing
Council Member Carrie Turner: Mentioned that there were a couple of large branches in the river.  City will have them removed once the water levels drop.
Council Member Mary Venske: Nothing
Next Regular Council Meeting: Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 6:47 PM