June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023
Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.
The Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council members Carrie Turner and Mary Venske and Clerk James Chyba.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on May 10, 2023, as presented. Motion Carried
Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.
Guest (s): Sheila Bergren MC Record
Old Business:
New Business:
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve adding June 19th to the list of recognized holidays by the City of Randall. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve beer permits for the Randall Cushing area Lions for the July 1, 2023, Independence Day celebration and for St. James August Fest. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve selling the following equipment on Minnbid: 2 trash pumps, Bush Hog mower and the Natural Gas electric generator from the water treatment plant that was taken out of service following the 2022 flood. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Venske to purchase a new HDU dimensional sign for Bingo Park from Froggy’s signs at a cost of $2250.00. Motion Carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Chyba to approve purchasing 2 wide angle cameras for city hall and Bingo Park and 3 new cameras for the outside oy the municipal liquor store from Gl industries at a cost of $3200.00. Motion carried.
Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve Rice Lakes Construction Pay app 4 In the amount of $23,529 for flood repairs to the water treatment plant. Motion Carried.
Planning and Zoning Permits:
Pat Lytwyn, 206 Riverwood Court. Build a new deck on her home. Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve the permit. Motion Carried.
A discussion was also had regarding the blight property located at 107 Pacific Avenue. If the property is not cleaned up the city will pursue legal action against the property owner.
Committee Reports:
Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store
The city will be switching to a mail gas survey rather than a telephone survey. The 300 KVA transformer at Dr. Knight has been repaired and reinstalled, the school’s insurance covered the entire cost. The water plant project is almost completed. The backwash blower is the final repair and will be installed in the coming weeks. Matt and Keith met with Widseth to discuss the water sewer reconstruction project and any changes that should be considered and to discuss property access during construction. The city received an invoice for road salt from Morrison County. Traditionally they had provided a salt sand mix at no cost but have now switched to salt only as it is more effective on the county roads. Pantzke will discuss future salt availability to determine our best path forward. A snowplow truck owned by the City of Roseville is up for sale. It is an International single axle, has 45,000 miles on it equipped with a 12 foot Falls front plow and a 10-foot wing along with a Falls Sander. Chyba is willing to look at it with Pantzke and Kalis. Venske Motioned and Wright seconded to spend up to $46000.00 from the equipment fund on the truck. Motion Carried.
Mayor Dan Noss: Will be on the Radio promoting the upcoming city celebration.
Jim Chyba: None
Jeff Wright: None
Carrie Turner: Asked about the survey stakes.
Mary Venske: Asked if the green boxes will be an issue for the snowplow.
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday July 12, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
Location: Randall City Hall
Adjournment: 6:45pm