October 9, 2024

City of Randall
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
October 9th, 2024
6:00 PM
Randall City Hall
Council Members Present:

Council Member Mary Venske
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright
Council Member Carrie Turner
Clerk James Chyba

Council Member Absent: Mayor Dan Noss
Staff Members Present: City Manager Matt Pantzke, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Moffitt
Guests Present: Joseph from the Morrison County Record; Dave Reese from Widseth Engineering, Troy and Gwynn Martinson
Call to Order:  Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to accept the minutes of the regular city council meeting on September 11th, 2024. Motion Carried.
Payment of the Bills as presented was motioned by Venske and seconded by Chyba.   Motion carried.
Guests: Gwynn Martinson was present to request an off-sale liquor license.  Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Venske to approve an off-sale liquor license to Gwynn Martinson for Half-Pints Liquor. Motion carried.
Dave Reese from Widseth was present to give updates on the water tower project, the water meter project, and invoicing for upcoming projects. 
Construction is complete on the water tower, and final review is underway.  Logo issue has been resolved, as the logo color was changed from black to white.  Payment for changes to the logo is an ongoing discussion.  Widseth will complete a 2 year inspection on the water tower and any needed repairs will be covered by warranty.
The water meter project is estimated to cost $200,000.00.  It is recommended that the city invest their own funds initially to fund the project, as showing initiative in completing the project and having debt will increase the city’s chances of securing funding.  City needs further discussion and research on how to proceed with the project. 
Widseth is still holding invoices until PFA Funding comes through – moving into the funding stage with PFA shortly.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve Classic Protective Coatings Second Application for Payment in the amount of $347,700.00 for work completed up to the time of the application.  Motion carried.
Donation Requests/Donations Accepted
Old Business: 
MNDot/Hwy 10 project: Pantzke recapped the issues with MNDot and the Hwy 10 project.  Prior to the start of the project, a request was made by the city to replace a water main that runs under Hwy 10 at CR 14.  That request was denied by MNDot.  That same water main was hit and a pipe was fractured by one of the contractors working for MNDot, causing a brief disruption in service for residents living west of Hwy 10 on County Road 14.  While the main was repaired, a new water main is still needed.  MNDot agreed to allow the city to replace the water main, however contractors worry that it could be to risky to do so.   The determination was made that the main could be replaced with less risk by avoiding the intersection, and that there would be significant savings in completing the project soon.  MNDot has also agreed to re-evaluate their policy to allow small town infrastructure projects to run concurrently with MNDot projects.
New Business:
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to delegate cannabis regulation to Morrison County.  Motion carried.
Brief discussion regarding the Little Elk Development and whether or not to split up the vacant lot and allow adjoining property owners the opportunity to purchase these lots from the city.  All council members agreed it was a good idea.
Pantzke brought to the council’s attention that there is a person interested in purchasing city owned property near the clinic for his business.
Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to renew a tobacco license for Caseys, and off sale and tobacco license for Shady’s, and a club renewal license for the VFW.
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve a one year extension for the Morrison County Sheriff’s Office patrol contract.  Motioned carried.
Planning and Zoning Permits: Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve a building permit for Mark Hunter.  Motion carried.
Delinquent Accounts:  Council members reviewed delinquent accounts. 
Committee Reports:  
Pantzke reported that we will be working on the budget in the next few months in preparation for 2025, and also permit easements which might require after hours work for Pantzke and Moffitt.
Mayor Dan Noss:  Absent
Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright: Nothing
Clerk Jim Chyba:   Nothing
Council Member Carrie Turner: Nothing
Council Member Mary Venske: Thanked Matt for all of his work with the various projects happening around the city the last few months.
Next Regular Council Meeting:  November 6th, 2024 Randall City Hall
Meeting Adjourned: 7:46