September 13, 2023

September 13, 2023

Preliminary Tax Levy hearing was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Dan Noss.

The Council present were Mayor Dan Noss, Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright, Council member Carrie Turner and Clerk James Chyba. Councilmember Mary Venske was absent.

No members of the public with concerns regarding the levy were present. The Council discussed the levy needs due to inflation and other rising costs. The council agreed to set the preliminary budget at a 7% increase. During the remaining budget process any areas that can be made more cost effective will be explored.

Hearing was adjourned at 6:05

Regular council hearing was called to order at 6:06

Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to accept the Minutes of the regular council meeting on August 9, 2023, and the special hearing on August 24, 2023, as presented. Motion Carried

Payment of the bills: Payment of the bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner. Motion carried.

Guest (s): Joseph from MC Record, Harry Miller, Terry Roach, Dave Reese and Gail Leverson from Widseth.

Terry Roach presented his proposal to purchase and develop the 26+- acre aspen ridge parcel. He proposed to purchase the property, subdivide it into 20 lots, install water and sewer, and construct a roadway connecting to East MN Avenue and Brummer Drive. Once the road is ready for pavement it would be turned over to the city. The city will then pave the street and assess the cost back to the lots.

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Wright to approve resolution 09132013 and the developers agreement authorizing the sale and development. Motion Carried.

Dave Reese and Gail Leverson were present to update the council on the infrastructure projects and provide a funding update. Gail presented an award letter to the council from the SCDP notifying the council that Randall has

 been approved for a $600,000 grant for the drinking water project. She also presented the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs Resolution. Chyba motioned and Turner seconded to approve the Resolution. Motion Carried. Dave presented the request for placement on the 2024 IUP list for the sanitary collection system, and the request for placement on the 2025 IUP list for the wastewater treatment facility. Mayor Noss will sign and submit the requests.

Harry Miller was present to request that sewer services be extended on County Road 104 to the property owned by his family. Pantzke will investigate options as the sewer main runs under County 104 to determine if this can be done and at what cost.




Donation requests: Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to approve RABG request of $1000.00 for down payment for music in the park on July 6th, 2024. Motion Carried.

Donations accepted: None.

Old Business: Council discussed the cannabis ordinance again and decided to table creating one until a future date if needed.

New Business:

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to set the 2024 preliminary tax levy at $184,886, a &percent increase over 2023. Motion Carried.


Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Wright to approve the 2024 Law enforcement contract at a total cost of $31,200 with the Morrison County Sheriff. Motion Carried.


Planning and Zoning Permits:


Committee Reports:

Matt: City Manager/Liquor Store 

The mosquito spraying contract is up for renewal, Pantzke will include that in the next newsletter to gather feedback from residents to see if they would like to continue with the service. The interior of the Bingo Park Pavilion was painted, the interior walls were starting to look very rough. Painting was the best option and turned out very nice. Pantzke will continue to work on the 2024 budget to include looking at utility rates and services.

Mayor Dan Noss: Nothing

Jim Chyba:  Nothing

Jeff Wright:  Nothing

Carrie Turner: Mural Painting on the VFW looks amazing.

Mary Venske:  Absent

Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday October 11, 2023, at 6:00 pm.

Location: Randall City Hall

Adjournment: 7:13pm