February 14, 2024

City of Randall

Regular Council Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2024

6:00 PM

Randall City Hall


Council Members Present:

Mayor Dan Noss

Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright

Council Member Carrie Turner

Council Member Mary Venske

Council Members Absent:

Clerk James Chyba by phone.


Staff Members Present:

City Manager Matt Pantzke


Guests Present:

Joseph from the Morrison County Record

Call to Order:  Mayor Dan Noss called the meeting to order at6:00 PM.


Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to accept the minutes of the regular city council meetings on January 10, 2024. Motion Carried


Payment of the Bills as presented was motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner.  Motion carried.


Public Comment/Requests:


Donation Requests/Donations Accepted


Old Business: 

Significant progress has been made on the Brummer expansion. The roadway has been cleared, platting is nearly completed, and installation of water and sewer lines will begin in April, weather permitting. Once that is completed, the roadbed will be shaped, and installation of gas and electricity mains can begin. Weather permitting the first lift of pavement (2 inches) late summer or early fall. The wear course (1.5 inches) can be installed in 2025 or later.

New Business: 


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Venske to approve the SCDP City Policies. Motion Carried.



City staff has gotten quotes for the Six 25 KVA transformers needed for the Brummer expansion. Price ranged from $2615 to $10433 per transformer. Lead times varied from in stock to 65 weeks out.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Wright to approve the Purchase of Five 25 KVA transformers from B&B at a cost of $2615 with an estimated lead time of 40 weeks, and 1 from Resco at a cost of $3939 for immediate delivery. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Wright and seconded by Turner to approve the jetting and televising of the sanitary crossing quote from Superior Jetting for the sanitary pipe under HWY 10 at an estimated cost of $1200. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Venske and seconded by Turner to approve the purchase of a Woodmaxx 9900 woodchipper at a cost of $6095.00. Motion Carried.

Fema is in the process of completing their floodplain mapping. The city will need to adopt the standards of 44 CFR part 60.3(d) to allow property owners to participate in NFIP (flood insurance). Adoption documents will be brought to a future meeting.


City attorney Peter Vogel is verifying that the city has properly recorded utility easements for utility corridors in the upcoming reconstruction project areas. Quiet title action may be required in some areas, those property owners will be notified of any necessary action.


City Manager Pantzke suggested that a special workshop be held in April to review the upcoming projects with Widseth engineering. Council member Venske was strongly in favor of the idea and asked that we set a date for the workshop at the next council meeting.


MNDOT is proceeding with the RCI construction on hwy 10 this summer. The project will require the city to move the utility poles on both east and west sides of hwy 10 at the CSAH 14 crossing. City staff will work with a contractor move the poles.

Planning and Zoning Permits:


Committee Reports:


Matt/City Manager/Liquor Store: 

The 2023 financial audit has been completed; a full audit report will be presented at an upcoming meeting. The presidential primary election will be held on March 5th, 2024, at Bingo Park. City staff has been working with Catalis/Gov office to update the city website, the new version will be launched in the coming weeks. Multiple area residents have expressed their dismay with the lack of a restaurant in Randall or the surrounding area.


Mayor Dan Noss: Notified the council that the clinic will be closed for the next two months.


Deputy Mayor Jeff Wright: Nothing


Clerk Jim Chyba: Nothing


Council Member Carrie Turner: Nothing


Council Member Mary Venske: Nothing


Next Regular Council Meeting: Wednesday, March 20th, 2024, at 6:00 PM


Meeting Adjourned: 6:37 PM