June 16, 2010
The regular meeting of the Randall city council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except councilman Turner.
Upon reviewing last months’ minutes, Councilman Carter asked if the old police vest had been collected and properly disposed of. He was informed that the old vest is being stored in the trunk of the squad as a spare. Carter stated that if the vest is outdated, then it should not be used at all and should be collected by the City Manager to be disposed of properly. It was the consensus of the council to have the city manager collect the vest.
The jetting and televising of the sewer line has been completed for this year. There was a little bit more done than originally planned but the price was about half of what the city has paid in the past.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills. Carried
Representative Al Doty was in attendance to discuss some specific legislation that affects local government and also briefly discussed the economic forecast for next year. A couple other items he informed the council on: Surplus TIF money can now be used toward helping finance development in that district; absentee ballots will now go directly to the county now, rather than their precincts.
Doty mentioned that the finalized LGA cut that the city will incur will be $8,547.00.
Last month the council directed the city manager to send Terry Roach dba/Roach Townhomes, a certified letter requesting payment for additional taxes owed on his property per the agreement approved when he purchased the property. Upon further discussion with Mr. Roach and David Drown of David Drown Associates, it was discovered that the original amount owed by Mr. Roach also includes the taxes he pays to the county. This was an oversight by the city manager and, although Mr. Roach did pay the balance of his 2009 additional taxes late, he is paid in full and actually has overpaid by $175.00 which will be applied to his 2010 additional tax payment that he pays directly to the city.
The second layer of tar has been laid in the Aspen Ridge Development for the originally quoted price of $19,100.00.
The 4th of July committee has discussed moving the location of the carnival from Superior Avenue to the empty lot at the South end of mainstreet (across from the firehall). Jerry Peterschick did ask the council if the city could have Sanders Const. come in and blade the area and possibly bring in a couple loads of class 5 gravel. Councilman Andres stated that he is fine with moving the carnival at no further expense to the city. Councilman Adamski agreed with Andres and stated that the 4th of July Committee would have to cover any costs for grading and class 5. Mayor Riitters also agreed with Adamski and Andres and stated that the city has given $2500.00 to the committee and should not have to incur any additional costs. Councilman Carter stated that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to improve that lot a little bit anyway and is in favor of the city paying for the improvements. The approx. cost would have been $500.00.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Andres to approve the relocation of the carnival at no additional cost to the city. Carried 3-1, Carter not in favor
The city manager requested permission to close a portion of CR#104 on Saturday July 3rd for most of the day and on the 4th during the parade. The purpose of the closing the street is because of the amount of people crossing back and forth from Bingo park to the carnival area and on Sunday for the parade. After a lengthy discussion of how people are going to get downtown if coming in from Hwy 115 and directing people around the celebration area it was decided that there will be detour signs placed on the barricades to direct traffic accordingly. This will still have to be approved by the county.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to move forward with asking Morrison County for permissison to close a portion of CR#104 on July 3rd from 11a.m. to after the streetdance that evening and also during the parade on July 4th. Motion carried 3-1, Andres voting against
There were four residents that requested to be an election judge at their caucuses. Jim Chandler, Gary and Cathy Gannon and Cathy Adamek. With those four people, Jerry Peterschick also recommended Pat Johnson, Pat Gaffke, Carol Saxton and Florence Jones as election judges and himself as Head Election Judge.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to appoint the election judges as recommended by Jerry Peterschick. Carried
The city was informed of the additional payment that was going to have to be paid to Minnesota Power. That amount is $26,344.30 to be paid in full or in a payment plan over the next 6 months with interest. The council did prepare for this payment by raising the rates January 1st.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to pay the additional payment of $26,344.30 in full to Minnesota Power. Carried
Planning and Zoning approved four permits this month:
Jessica Nutz-8x11 Screen Porch, Dale Dalquist-5x6 garden shed, Shawn Angevine-add dormer to room and replace shingles with steel, Kathleen Strom-30x50 pole shed.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the permits. Carried
The delinquent accounts were reviewed and there are no accounts in arrears more than 30 days with the exception of 2 that had previously had plans approved by the council and utility board.
Jerry Peterschick asked the council for permission to remove the garage door in the middle room of the city hall and install a wall. The garage door would then replace one of the damaged doors in the garage behind the liquor store.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve Jerry Peterschicks request. Carried
Sentenced to Serve was in town this week to re-paint the parking lines on main street and also re-stain the picnic tables at the park.
The city had to pay for the replacement of a passenger side car door window that was shattered by a rock thrown from one of the mowers while Dan and Wendell were mowing between the RR tracks and the parking area. The total cost of the window and installation was $113.28.
Councilman Carter expressed his concern of the amount of ammo that has been purchased and would like to know what the minimum shooting requirements are for qualification for our police department. He stated that in these economic times, perhaps the city should not be paying for any of the “fun” shoots that are offered.
Mayor Riitters asked if the city gets reimbursed for the discount that the disabled veterans get on their property taxes and Jerry Peterschick stated that there is no reimbursement and it is not separated on the report that the city receives.