February 17, 2010
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except councilman Andres.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the bills for the month. Carried
Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson, CPA presented the 2009 City Financial Audit to the council. She stated that the utility funds and liquor fund did well but did point out that the sewer and water fund could be in a better financial situation.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to approve the 2009 Audit report as presented by Mary Backlund. Carried
Jerry Peterschick and Angie Magee have been looking into a different computer software program to run the utilities, accounting and payroll all together. Currently the utility program is separate from the accounting/payroll program and neither program produces user-friendly reports and the accounting program is a very basic program with very few options. Staff will check with some other cities and get their opinions of this new software and also get prices from other companies.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adasmki to authorize Gary Paulson, CPA to obtain their own username and password for filing the city’s TIF reports to the State Auditor. Carried
An individual has received permission from the owner of the Randall Café to have a produce stand on their property this summer and was wondering what he has to do to obtain permission from the city to have the stand. Jerry Peterschick will check to see what the policy is in Little Falls, and Jerry Carter stated that there may need to be an application process put in place so the city has contact information of individuals with these stands. Issue will be further discussed at the March meeting.
The planning and zoning committee had no permits to approve this month but did decide to move their meeting location to the city hall. The meetings will still be held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m.
Upon reviewing the delinquent utility list, it was decided to further discuss the process of adding delinquent utilities to property taxes and also the process of creating a policy to make property owners responsible for their renters’ delinquent account. More information will be brought to future meetings.
The MN Governmental Agency Finance Group will hold their annual meeting on March 4th at the Kelly Inn St. Cloud, at 10:00 a.m. Any of the council interested in attending is to let Jerry Peterschick know.
Jason Krebsbach, program manager for the Central MN Housing Partnership, emailed the city asking if the city would be interested in participating in a Small Cities Development Program application this fall. He will be scheduling an informational meeting form sometime in April or May. Mayor Riitters stated that he would be interested in attending the meeting. City staff will inform Mr. Krebsbach that the city would be interested in attending.
Jerry Peterschick informed the council that the city’s Local Government Aid (LGA) may be reduced by $20,337.00 this year. Jerry Adamski asked if Jerry Peterschick could compile a list of possible ways the city could reduce spending in the future if needed, Jerry Carter stated that there may be a need to make some adjustments to the budget and Mayor Riitters pointed out that the city did make money last year, and he feels these are things that don’t have to be done immediately, but may need to be looked at in the future when the city finds out for sure if it will lose this money. The budget committee will meet sometime and discuss possible options.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.