February 20, 2013


                The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Councilman Andres.

                In reviewing the minutes of the January meeting, Councilman Carter stated that the newly elected officers were not sworn in.  This will be done at the March meeting.

                The minutes were approved as presented.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to pay the bills as presented, including three months of payments to the Joint Advisory Fire Board (Feb., Mar., Apr. of 2012) that the city never received invoices for.  Carried


Sidewalk to School  City resident Jessica Nutz stood before the Council expressing her concerns about the portion of East MN Avenue running from East 6th Street/CR#104 to the schools’ exit driveway.  She stated that the road is narrow which makes it dangerous when people/children and buses and cars meet.  She asked about getting a sidewalk installed on that portion of E. MN Ave. to make it safer.  The city manager will contact the City of Pierz regarding the “Safe Routes to School” grant that they received and other options with also be explored and brought to a future meeting.


Preservation of Tax Exempt Financing   Motion by Riitters 2nd by Adamski to support Resolution 2013-01 that the City of Randall is in Support of the Preservation of Tax Exempt Financing.  Carried


An informational meeting for the Board of Appeals and Equalization will be held at the courthouse on March 19, 2013, at 7pm.


Newly elected county commissioner Kevin Maurer was present to introduce himself to the council and invite anyone with any comments or concerns to contact him anytime.


Planning & Zoning:  Nothing to report this month


Liquor Store:  Jerry will be bringing some of the barstools to be recovered.


Sewer & Water Dept.: No report this month


Maintenance Dept.: City resident Dan Noss commended Wendell for his hard work and long days he has been putting in with all the snow lately.


Police Dept.: The new office computer is working great


Smart Approaches against Marijuana (SAM):  Chief Strack recently traveled to Washington D.C. to represent the Drug Task Forces and discuss the marijuana legalization issues.  A slideshow presented many reasons why marijuana should not be legalized and also explained some new ideas regarding consequences for those caught with the drug such as lighter penalties and possible expungement of charges earlier for youth, also research is being done to find what the best form of “non-smoked” marijuana can be for medicinal use.   Chief Strack went on to ask the council that they support a resolution to keep marijuana illegal to send to our legislators.  A letter will be drafted for the council to review and sign if they choose.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25p.m.