February 16, 2011

The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Andres and Turner.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills as presented.  Carried


Denny Mueller, President of the Randall Area Business Group and Dan Frank of the Initiative Foundation, were present to discuss a new project the Business Group is interested in getting involved in, focusing on economic development and how can we build up Randall and the surrounding area, making it more inviting to people? The only way to move forward is to ask the City to apply for a grant through the Initiative Foundation for $2500, the city becoming the Fiscal host,  to begin the process of forming a Thriving Communities Partnership because the Initiative Foundation can only give to a 501c non-profit or government entity and the Business Group is neither.  Initially the Business Group needs to gather a “Core” group of individuals from the surrounding community.  This core group will complete the application and attend training sessions.  There will be a “community meeting”, inviting a large number of community members to attend a meal and share their ideas of what the community wants and what is best for this community. 

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to pass a resolution approving the Randall Area Business Group to move forward with the application process of applying for the grant from the Initiative Foundation.  Carried


Mary Backlund of Gary Paulson, CPA, presented the 2010 City Financial Audit to the council.

Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to accept the audit as presented by Mary Backlund.  Carried

The Randall Fire Relief will no longer be receiving funds from Camp Ripley for fire protection as there has been a department formed out on the base.  The Randall Fire Dept. will now be used as Mutual Aid to the base.  The fire relief has been discussing ways to raise money to replace some of these funds and have decided to have a street dance and open house this summer.  They would like to use the Erwin E. Wise building for the dance, requiring the alley to be closed off during that time.  The event would be held on July 30th.

Motion by Riitters 2nd by Carter to approve the fire department to hold a street dance/open house and close off the alley during the street dance.  Carried


Region 5 Development will be holding a Collaborative Options for Cities meeting at the Initiative Foundation in Little Falls on March 30th.  They are asking for 2 or more representatives from the city to attend.


There will be the annual information meeting on equalization meetings held at the courthouse on March 22nd at 7:00 p.m.  One or two people from the council are asked to attend.


The city’s representative from US Energy has recommended that the city enter into a 10 year contract with its current natural gas provider, Viking Gas Pipeline. 

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve a contract for 10 years with Viking Gas on the recommendation of US Energy.  Carried


Jerry Peterschick is still collecting final prices for remodeling the off-sale and will have them ready for the March meeting.

The city has 2 lift pumps that are getting bad and Dan Thilquist has had to do some work on both of them.  They have both lasted twice as long as expected and Dan would like to replace one of them this Spring and the other perhaps next year.  The cost of a lift pump is approx. $5,000.00.  The council agreed that this was a maintenance issue and that Dan should move forward in replacing them when he thinks appropriate.


The Ford tractor was in for maintenance this last month and had over $3000.00 in replacement parts/labor done on it.  It should be ok for the next year now but Wendell stated that there is a need to start looking around and getting prices on a new one for next year.


The light bar on the squad car has been having various issues and needs to be replaced.  There are funds from a previous forfeited vehicle that have to be used for the either training or equipment that could be used for this purchase.  The total cost of a new light bar is $1287.84 with install costs of approx. $200.00.

Motion by Carter 2nd by Riitters to approve the purchase and installation of a new light bar not to exceed $1500.00.  Carried


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.