May 15, 2013

The regular meeting of the Randall city council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Deputy Mayor Jerry Carter with all members present except Mayor Riitters.

                The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.


Motion by Adamski 2nd by Turner to pay the bills for the month.  Carried


2013 Camp Ripley Update:  Camp Ripley Communications Officer Scott Bjerke was present to update the council on upcoming events such as trainings, prescribed burns etc.  in Camp Ripley. 


Dan Noss, representing the Vision Randall Quality of Life Task Force, thanked the city hall staff for their help with the book swap while it was at city hall.


Gate/fence ordinance:  Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to approve the following addition to the fence ordinance in the MN Code Book Section 151.47: 

G.           Assessibility:     All fences must have gate access onto the property.  City personnel must have access to utility meters and emergency personnel must have access for safety issues.

Motion Carried

Carpet Cleaning:  per the request of the council, the city manager received 2 additional quotes for cleaning the carpets at city hall, the park building and the fire hall meeting room.  All quotes are as follows:

Jon Garvin - $381.54, Breeze Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning - $416.81, Kingsway Carpet Cleaing - $432.84.

Jerry Peterschick recommended the council choose the low bid from Jon Garvin.

A motion was made by Adamski to accept Garvin’s quote but died for lack of a second.

Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to accept Breeze Carpet & Upholstery’s bid of $416.81.  Carried

Beer Licenses for Randall-Cushing Lions

Motion by Andres 2nd by Turner to approve beer licenses for the Randall Cushing Lions Club for events on July 3rd & 4th and for St. James Augustfest on August 11, 2013.  Carried



Motion by Andres 2nd by Turner to accept the following donations to the city:  Randall Cushing Lions -$1000.00, Bob Riitters - $100.00, Randall V.F.W. - $500.00, all donations are for the Disc Golf Course.  Motion Carried


Building Permits:  Jessica Nutz – install fence

Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to approve the permit.  Carried


Police Department

Chief Strack asked the council if the city would purchase a MedReturn container for people to bring in their unused/expired medications for proper disposal.  This also helps to remove the meds from homes, help prevent them from being flushed into the water systems and also help to keep them out of the hands of drug users who will break into homes just to look for prescription drugs.  The process of disposal starts with Chief Strack emptying the container every couple weeks and bringing the contents to the collection point at the Sheriff’s Office.  The DEA then comes a couple times per year to collect all medications.  The only cost to the city is of the Collection container and the Chief recommended purchasing the smaller one for a price of $695.00. 

Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to approve the purchase of a MedReturn Container for a price of $695.00.  Carried


Council requested more patrolling on CR#14 as speeding has been an issue again.  Strack said he will patrol more out there and also let Morrison County know this is an issue too.


Miscellaneous Items:

Question was asked if employees are to get a wage increase on their anniversary date.  Jerry Peterschick will check into this.

Dan has been working on the lift station in the Brummer Addition replacing the Life Pump Seal.


The potholes along the stretch of Superior Avenue from 6th Street to 1st Street are getting bigger every year.  The City Manager will get a price on milling off the top couple inches and replacing it with new.  This project will be a pretty big cost for the city as the railroad cannot be assessed so the city will have to pay for approx. ¾ of the project and assess property owners for the rest.


Councilman Resignation

Jerry Carter announced his resignation from the Randall City Council as of May 31, 2013.  He stated it is for personal reasons as he plans on selling the hotel, retiring and he and his wife plan on traveling.  He thanked everyone for the last seven years and stated it’s been a pleasure serving the residents of Randall.


Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.