November 17, 2010
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
Minutes of the October regular meeting and the November 4th special meeting were reviewed and two corrections were made: add Rick Turner to paragraph 5 of the October 20th minutes; change the wording in paragraph 4 of the November 4th minutes to read “not increase the tax levy for 2011” instead of “not increase the property taxes for 2011”. Minutes approved as corrected.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the bills. Carried
There has been no new information received on the electric rebate program at this time.
Angie Magee has been looking into upgrading the city’s accounting/billing software since the beginning of the year. She received quotes from three different companies with the least expensive being USTI at $4625.00. The software was reviewed by the city’s Auditor also and thought to be sufficient for our city. The city already has the utility billing through this company and would add the accounting/payroll module. Angie will also contact a couple other cities in Minnesota and ask for some copies of reports they use.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Andres to proceed with the purchase of new accounting software from USTI for $4625.00. Carried
The budget committee presented the council with a draft of the 2011 budget to review and if there are any questions, contact a committee member within the next couple weeks to discuss them. The committee will bring the final draft to the December meeting for approval. The draft does include a 1.5% wage increase for all employees. The personnel committee then presented their report and recommendations are as follows: 1.5% wage increase for all employees effective January 1, 2011, no overtime unless emergency and then must be approved by supervisor, no benefit increase for anyone.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Riitters to approve the salary increase as presented by the personnel committee. Carried
Morrison County Township Association has invited all cities and townships in the county to join with them in the Retro-reflective compliant signing project, which is a project to replace all street signs that do not meet the retro-reflectivity requirements that have been mandated. Joining the application would result in the city having to pay for all signs at one time. The city may also do the project on its own. One option would be to go with the “Blanket Replacement” project which would be to replace a certain area of signs each year over a 4 year period. The city has approximately 80 signs to replace be the year 2015 and a plan must be in place by 2012.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to go with the “Blanket Replacement” option of the retro-reflective compliant signing project, on our own, with city staff installing the new signs. Carried
Building Permits
Matt Pantzke – 12x15 shed
Shawn Jacobson – 8x12 lawn shed
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Turner to approve the permits. Carried
Upon reviewing the delinquent utility accounts, the council instructed the City Manager to contact one account and set a time for the customer to meet with the utility board.
Jerry Carter asked if the city charges a fee to the people that have their utilities disconnected for the winter while they go South and then re-connected in the Spring. The city does not currently charge these customers for this service. Carter stated that there should be a charge and recommended a $25 charge for disconnect and $25 for re-connect.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to charge seasonal utility customers a $25 disconnect fee and $25 re-connect fee, effective July 1, 2011. Carried
City staff will send out a bill stuffer in the future reminding customers of this new fee.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve the on-sale & Sunday liquor license for the Randall V.F.W. Post 9073 for 2011. Carried
Full-time bartender Pat Schmid will be done working at the Liquor store some time in the middle of December. She has to stop working due to physical health issues. The city manager asked the council if they first want to accept applications from within and then look at outside applications if needed to fill the full-time position. It was the consensus to allow existing employees to apply for the position and the personnel committee will review applications and conduct interviews if necessary. The position will be opened to the public if no employee is hired from within.
The city manager would like to expand the off-sale into the old city hall office. More information on this will be available in the near future.
Liquor/beer inventory will be held on January 3, 2011 at 6pm at the Liquor Store.
Minnesota Power was in town recently changing out a couple of power poles and after the ground freezes, has one more to change out.
The council then discussed some concerns with the Police Chief with Mayor Riitters sharing some concerns from residents; why is Randall up in Motley so much? When Morrison County is not in the area, Randall is the closest department to assist with calls. We do have a mutual aid agreement with the county, they take calls in Randall when our officers are not available.
Fast driving while responding to calls was discussed briefly, suggesting perhaps setting a maximum speed when responding to calls within the city. Mayor Riitters asked Jerry Carter and Jerry Adamski if they would be willing to be part of a board to handle police department issues and bring information back to the council, such as a police commission or police board. Both councilmen accepted and they will join the city manager and police chief.
Motion by Turner 2nd by Adamski to certify the election results: Mayor – Robert Riitters, Councilmembers – Jerry Adamski & Charley Andres. Carried
Rick Turner shared his concerns about vehicles parking so close to the city hall on the North side of the building. He asked if there is something that can be installed to keep vehicles back from the building a few feet. City manager will have the maintenance supervisor look into this and find a solution.
The city will contact a gentleman to come in and trap a beaver that has been working down by the bridge on East Minnesota Avenue.
Jerry Adamski inquired about the undeveloped land in the Aspen Ridge development and when the city could get possession of it. At this time, this land is not available due to many liens on the property.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.