April 18, 2012
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of the March 21st and April 10th meetings were approved as presented.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills as presented. Carried
Long Prairie Sanitary: Lert & Lona Zander, owners of Long Prairie Sanitary Service were present to ask if the council would be interested in renewing the city’s contract with them for another 5 years. The current contract expires this August. The new contract would be exactly the same as the current, 5 years with a 3% rate increase each year.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to extend the city’s refuse & recycling contract with Long Prairie Sanitary Service for another 5 years. Carried
Parks & Trails Grant meeting: The Mayor and City Manager will be attending a meeting in Royalton on May 2nd at noon, to discuss becoming part of a Parks & Trails Legacy Grant application with other cities involved in the multi-use trail system.
Flower Pot Project: Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to donate $350.00 towards the flower pot project. Carried
Hazardous Mitigation: Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the Statement of Interest in All Hazardous Mitigation planning with Morrison County. Carried
Holidays: The council discussed information from the League of MN Cities regarding mandatory legal holidays that no public business may be conducted, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Veterans Day and Presidents Day. City offices are currently open for business these days. The Mayor would like to check with the League of MN Cities to see what the exact definition of public business is. Matter was tabled until the next meeting.
Board of Appeals & Equalization: Reminder that the Board of Appeals & Equalization meeting is May 3rd at 9:00 a.m. at the Fire Hall Meeting Room. There must be at least three councilmembers present.
Planning & Zoning Permits:
Harlan & Carol Johnson – 6 foot privacy fence
Matt & Sylvia Davis – Siding, fence, windows, move location of a door, addition on bedroom
Tyler Leavell – siding on porch & house
When installing a privacy fence, the finished side MUST be facing the outside.
Delinquent Accounts: Upon reviewing accounts, it was decided that the City Manager will set up meetings for two customers with the Utility Board and one other customer will be notified immediately of disconnection.
It was the consensus of the council to have the land line removed from the fire hall meeting room as it is not used very much anymore with many people having cell phones.
Public Meeting for Siren:The city manager informed the council that there may need to be another public meeting regarding the early warning siren system. Notification of the last meeting was believed to have been faxed to the Morrison County Record for publication but never got published, therefore, another meeting would need to be scheduled and published in the paper in order to have everything required for the grant with USDA. The public meeting has been scheduled for May 3, 2012 at 8:45a.m. at the fire hall meeting room. This information will be faxed to and confirmed with the Morrison County Record for publication this week.
Underground utility Locator: Wendell Schultz has received some prices and has also been trying out some new locators for locating the underground utility lines. The city’s current locator is 10 years old and is getting worn and at times is not picking up the lines like it should. Wendell and Dan have tried out a couple units and will be testing another one this Friday. Wendell would like to purchase whichever unit will be the best fit for the city. The price range is between $3,000.00 - $4,000.00.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to purchase whichever locator best suits the needs of the city for a cost not to exceed $4,000.00. Carried
Road Improvements: The city manager will be contacting the property owners along the section of Knight Street that will be re-tarred. If all property owners agree to pay an assessment, then no public hearing needs to be held and the project can move forward anytime. If any property owners are against the assessment, a public hearing will need to be held and the council will make the decision whether or not to move forward with the project and assess the property owners.
The city will ask Tri-City for a price on re-tarring Oak Street at the same time as Knight Street. Oak Street is in very poor condition and needs repair.
The city manager will contact Adium Marketing to discuss who’s responsibility it is to repair the large hole on the shoulder of Superior Avenue down by the Victory Station.
There have been many homes in the city that were able to be part of the DEED program. Some homes had major exterior work done on them while others had interior work done.
Let it be clarified that the city increased its 2012 tax levy by 8%, not the 20% some people have been told.
The Mayor shared that the penalty amount paid YTD on utilities is nearly $2,700.00.
Some questions were asked about the layout of the financial report. Angie Magee will get the information from the software company and get the answers to the council.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.