March 16, 2011
The regular meeting of the Randall city council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills as presented. Carried
Donna Lundgren and Mike Drew were present on behalf of the 4th of July Committee. This year the committee will have a Street dance and fireworks and asked the council for a donation towards the event as they have done in the past. They also informed the council that, with some of the proceeds of the bar bingo, the committee would like to purchase more Christmas lights and also more banners. They are anticipating on purchasing approx. 20 new lights, not all at one time, and asked the council if the city would be willing to pay for the electrical requirements for each pole. The cost for each pole would be $159.10. The committee also presented their idea of holding a medallion hunt sometime close to the 4th of July events, and they would like to use city land for this event. The last item the committee had was to discuss the possibility of having a carnival and parade every year. While attending a recent Randall Area Business Group meeting, many business owners expressed interest in this. The concern is location. There does not seem to be adequate space for a large carnival, without closing down mainstreet and having it there, and this does not seem to be favored by some business owners. The committee asked the council if they had any ideas and the council thought it would be best for the Business Group to form a committee for the purpose of finding a location and bring that information to a future council meeting.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by to donate $2,000.00 toward the 4th of July celebration. Motion died for lack of a 2nd.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to donate $3,000.00 to the 4th of July Committee towards the promotion of the city during the 2011 celebration. Carried
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter that the city be responsible for the electrical cost for the new Christmas lights, as purchased by the 4th of July Committee. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to approve the 4th of July committee to hold a Medallion Hunt on city property. Carried
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to sign the 2011 Environmental Grant from Morrison County, $1268.00 for Recycling and $375.00 for Clean-up Day. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to donate $500.00 to the Darling/Green Prairie Park, as the city has done in previous years. Carried
No action was taken on the donation request from the Ag Society.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to set the 2011 City Clean-Up Day for April 30th, from 8am – 10am. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to donate $300.00 towards the flower pot project for 2011. Carried
The council was reminded of the Region 5 Collaborative Option for Cities meeting at the Initiative Foundation on March 30th. They would like at least 2 representative to attend and also an informational meeting on equalization meetings will be held at the courthouse on March 22nd at 7pm.
The city was asked if they would like to purchase the land back from Horizon Health. When Horizon Health purchased the land they paid just under $40,000.00 and that is the price the city would have to buy it back for. There is an individual interested in purchasing the land from the city, should the council decide to buy it back. The council will have the city manager look at the original agreement with Horizon Health and bring the information to the April meeting.
Dan Thilquist will be off work for a while as he had shoulder surgery this week. There is no specific date of his return at this time.
Wendell Schultz will be taking care of the sewer plant and any other duties of Dan’s in the meantime.
City staff will look into any policies on how far the police chief can live out of town.
When asking Wendell about prices for new tractors, Jerry Adamski stated he would like to try and stay more local when getting the prices.