August 11, 2011 Continuation Meeting

The continuation meeting re-convened at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.  The purpose of the meeting was to review the applications/resumes received for the part-time police position.


There were 14 applications to review and of those 14, only 3 applicants possessed all the qualifications required by the city.  The applications were numbered 1 -14, and that’s how they were identified during discussion.


After review and discussion of all applicants and based on certification experience, a motion was made by Carter 2nd by Turner to contact applicant #1 for an interview.  It was noted that the sheriff or deputy sheriff will be present at the interview if deemed necessary.  Carried


A background check will need to be conducted also.


The city manager will check to see if the interview has to be public.


Meeting adjourned at 10:07 a.m.