June 25, 2012
The continuation meeting re-convened at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.
The first item of business was to vote on the Knight Street and Oak Drive improvements of 2012 assessments. No one was present at the public hearing with any objections. Total cost will be approx. $14,700.00, total amount assessed: $8,892.97
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to move forward with the process for assessing property owners for road improvements on Knight Street and Oak Drive. Carried
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the proclamation as presented declaring the City of Randall to also be known as “The City of Veteran’s Memorials”. Carried
The Mayor reviewed the items discussed at the June 20th meeting for the two councilmembers that were not present that evening. The council also briefly discussed a request the city received about purchasing a lot next to the old antique shop.
The council further discussed the delinquent utility policy. City staff will continue with the current policy at this time, there will be no partial payments on accounts. Mayor Riitters will continue to get more information about alternative collection procedures.
The police chief will be working both the 3rd and 4th of July. Per the city’s policy for part-time employees working holidays, he will be paid time and a half for hours worked on July 4th.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.