July 21, 2010

                The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.  The minutes of the regular June meeting and the July 12th special meeting were approved as presented.


                Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills as presented.  Carried


                The council met with Jason Krebsbach from the Central MN Housing Partnership in a special meeting on July 12th.  He has set up another meeting on July 29th at 10a.m. at Pine Country Bank in Little Falls for a couple representatives from Randall, Motley and Swanville to attend.


                Andrew and Amy Haider, residents of the city, were present to ask if the issues with Craig Kempenich’s dogs have been resolved.  Chief VandenAvond stated that Kempenich was given a citation for his dogs running at large.  Haider also informed the council that he has spoke with Kempenich’s neighbors and they stated there are more than 2 dogs in the house.    The city ordinance clearly states that each household is not allowed more than 2 dogs.  The police chief was directed to inform Mr. Kempenich that he has 48 hours to comply with the city ordinance.  The Haiders also expressed their concern about Mr. Kempenich’s son riding a mini bike through yards when trying to retrieve the dogs.  Mr. Kempenich will also be informed of this complaint and that his son is too young to ride the mini bike on public roadways.


                City resident Brian Zilka was in attendance and asked if the pile of additional blacktop at the end of Brummer Drive is going to be removed.  The city manager informed Mr. Zilka that the city will be using that material in the near future.


                Since the June meeting, it was recommended that the police chief sign an agreement that his expired bullet proof vest only be used for training purposes.  It is never to be used as a duty vest.  This agreement has been prepared and the chief has signed it.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner that the expired vest be used for training only and never used as a duty vest.  Carried


                Councilman Adamski commended the 4th of July committee for their hard work they put into this year’s events.  It was stated that the City appreciates their efforts year after year in making the event a success.


                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve a beer license for the Randall Cushing Lions at the St. James Augustfest on August 8th.  Carried


                Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to make the annual donation of $400.00 to the Initiative Foundation.  Carried


                The city will either need to create a Comprehensive Local Water Management Plan or adopt Morrison County’s.  It was decided that there is enough time to review the material and make a decision at the August meeting.


                The following permits were approved by Planning and Zoning this month:

                Jim Chyba-re-side house

                Tyler Leavell-replace South wall on porch

                Lois Olson-replace shingles on house with steel

                Jim Chyba-replace shingles on garage with steel

                Bill Venske-install egress window on West side of basement

                Donna Lundgren-20x20 dog kennel

Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to approve the permits.  Carried


                Delinquent utilities were reviewed.


                The Mayor, one councilperson and the city hall were all notified with a complaint about the bad smell of the Men’s bathroom at the Liquor Store.  For some time now the tile flooring has been getting bad and sometimes a urinal will overflow and water will end up getting under the tiles.  The vinyl tile needs to be replaced with ceramic tile.  Jerry Peterschick will get prices from a couple different businesses and bring them to the august meeting.


                The council was informed that thank you letters will be sent out to all those who took part in the flower pot project and also to Sander’s Const. for donating class 5 and their grader and Jack Olson for donating his time to operate the grader to prepare the lot for the carnival. 


                Filing for city offices will open on August 3rd at 8:00 a.m. and close August 17th at 5:00 p.m.  Interested residents may file for the following offices:  Mayor (2 yr term) and 2 council seats (4 yr term).  There is a $2.00 fee that must be paid at city hall.


                City staff insulated the pipe on a fire hydrant across from the fire hall this week and the water line between Maplewood Drive and Dove Road will be bored in next week.


                Morrison County Sheriff’s Deputy Shawn Larson was asked to attend the meeting by Chief Vanden Avond to share with the council all the firearms qualification requirements for the police departments.  He explained what training is mandatory from the MN POST Board and then talked about some other training that is offered throughout the year that although is not mandatory, is recommended.  By officers attending the other trainings, it helps them stay up to date and helps in the safety of fellow officers and the public.


                Since the recent severe weather threats, Chief Vanden Avond has begun to re-visit the civil defense siren issue.  He will be bringing more information to future meetings.  Councilman Adamski also mention that he is working with city staff in getting information on another option for the severe weather alert system and will also bring more information to a future meeting.


                Vanden Avond informed the council that the squad car now has 84,000 miles on it and the council may need to look into replacing it this fall.


                It was noted that the cargo truck left behind by the carnival company has been picked up.


                Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.