Special Meeting July 12, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.  The purpose of the meeting was to meet with Jason Krebsbach of Central Minnesota Housing Partnership (CMHP) to discuss the participation with CMHP regarding partnering with the cities of Motley and Swanville.

                After discussion and questioning by council members, it was proposed that we participate in the application process at a cost to the city of Randall for 1/3 of the application fee.  The initial application is due by October 7, 2010 and the final application would be due by February 10, 2011, at a cost of $1500.00 for the initial application and $1500.00 for the final application, for a total cost to the City of Randall of $3000.00.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Carter to enter into the partnership process with the cities of Motley and Swanville.  Carried