October 16, 2013

Regularly scheduled city council meeting started at 7:00 p.m. with all council members present.


The minutes of the October 3, October 15 and September 18th meetings all approved as presented.


Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve the payment of the bills. Carried.


No questions of specific bills


Public Comment & Concern: None at this time


Old Business:

Mayor Riitters and City Manager Peterschick attended the 2013 League of Minnesota Cities Regional meeting held in Wadena on October 9, 2013. Not much to report, a lot about MN Sure and LGA


Special meetings were held set for October 3rd at Fire Hall Meeting Room at 8:30 am to reviewing possible candidates for the Water-Waste Water position and October 15th for the interviews. The position was offered to Mike Hubner. He will start December 2, 2013.


The City Cemetery Sign is completed and Noss picked up it is being stored at the Liquor Store garage.


New Business:

Lona Zander of Long Prairie Sanitation was present to announce sale of the business to new owner Terry Lanoue. Motion by Turner and seconded by Adamski to accept the new ownership and contract with Long Prairie Sanitation to continue services for the city. Motion carried.


The Randall Area Business Group wants to know if the city would take ownership of the advertising signs they place in the city. There will be a total of three once all the businesses have purchased the advertising space. Motion by Noss and seconded by Andres to accept the responsibilities of the advertising sales for the RABG. Motion Carried.


Steve Jones, Superintendent of Little Falls School District was present to discuss the Operating Referendum. The school district is asking for us to consider the true impact of the referendum. This will appear on the voting ballot Tuesday, November 5, 2013. This will allow the school district to generate more revenue for operating expenses and produce revenue through a combination of property tax levies and state aid.


Energy Insight, Inc. will be here for November 20th meeting and for a presentation on what they can do for the conservation of energy efforts that Randall already does and ways to increase the efforts.


Concerns brought to the city utility billing about ‘paying online’. The software the city uses, ASYST by USTI, has the capability but we will need to see how much and when. City will have some answers for November 20th meeting.


Planning & Zoning:

Motion by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve permit for Bill Johnson to attach a lean to the back of shop for wood storage. Carried.


Delinquent Accounts:  Reviewed and no issues this month


Carpet Repair: The liquor store will be repairing the existing carpet.


Water & Sewer: Two pumps at the sewer plant will be replaced shortly.


Maintenance Report:  The tractor is repaired. Council is still looking at purchasing a tractor in the future due to the issues the current city tractor has with repair costs.


Police Department:

Coffee with the Cop was on Friday, September 27, 2013 9 a.m. Randall Café went well. Chuck stopped by each table and talked with customers. Councilmen Adamski was present and said that going table to table was a great way to handle each of the residents’ concerns. This is still to be considered in the furture.


Various concerns from citizens about speeding in city were brought up and will be brought to Police Department attention.


Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.


The next regularly scheduled council meeting, November 20, 2013 at Randall Fire Hall.