May 18, 2011

The regular meeting of the Randall city council was called to order at 7:00p.m., with all members present.


The minutes of the April 20th regular and May 12th Special meetings were approved as presented.


                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to pay the bills as presented.  Carried


                TIF District #1 has been closed and no resolution was needed to do so, per city financial advisor David Drown.


                The land Horizon Health would like to sell back to the city was purchased for $17,610.90.  This would be the price the city would pay if it is decided to purchase the land back.


                City Resident Brian Zilka was present to express his and some neighbors’ concerns about vehicles driving very fast through the cul-de-sac in Aspen Ridge and asked if a Children at Play sign could be installed.  Jerry Peterschick stated that those signs are no longer recommended as they have not seemed to help much and are not enforceable signs.  Some of the speeding vehicles are coming from one residence in particular and the city will ask the police chief to stop at the residence and give a verbal warning.


                The off-sale remodel is complete and a full cost report will be available at the June meeting.


                Building Permits:

                Julie DeZurik – replace existing fence with chain link fence

                Jeremy Ballou – enclose carport to make a garage

                Rebecca Nelson – reside garage & house, replace windows on house, add deck on back of house,

                                                    Extend fence and replace garage doors

                Chris Magee – add a 12x26 and 12x15 deck to back of house

Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to approve the permits as presented.  Carried

                Ken Salber has moved out of town and has submitted his resignation from the planning and zoning committee.  The committee has appointed Rick Turner as its new secretary.

                Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to accept the resignation from Ken Salber.  Carried


                Jerry Peterschick will contact 5 customers on the delinquent list to set up meetings with the utility board.


                The copier and printer at city hall are both showing wear.  Jerry presented a price for a re-furbished copier/fax/scanner and a new color printer for Angie’s computer.  The total cost for both units through Minnesota Copy Systems is $1,700.00.  The cost of the copies will be half the price.  The council then began to discuss where the money will come from in the budget.  Riitters stated that there are many places it could come from as there has not been anything used in many different areas.

                Motion by Riitters 2nd by Andres to purchase both units for $1,700.00 and take the money out of fund number 100-43100-00530.  Riitters and Andres later withdrew this motion.

                Motion by Riitters 2nd by Andres to purchase the copier and printer for $1,700.00, using funds from the “Improvements other than buildings” account.  Carried


                Hydrant Maintenance:  Dan received a price from Lee Hines of $60.00 each to sandblast the hydrants in town as they have so many layers of paint, that they don’t look good anymore.  Dan would then repaint them all.  He would like to do as many as possible, approx. 20.

                Motionb y Turner 2nd by Andres to hire Lee Hines to sandblast all hydrants that need to be done.  Carried


                The question was asked if the city would pay Bill Vanden Avond for any court appearances he has to make after May 31st?  The council agreed to pay him for his court appearances.  The city manager will contact Morrison County to see what their policy is and the city will do the same.


                Police Department and its future:

                There was a lot of discussion and the council came up with about 3 options to choose from: 

                Contract with Morrison County

                Full or Part-time Chief or officer

                No department at all


                Carter stated that the general consensus of the business owners he has talked to feel there should be an officer in town or within a reasonable response time. 

                Adamski would like to approach the Sheriff’s Department to see if they would be interested in contracting with Randall and find out their hourly rate.

                Turner mentioned the idea of putting some kind of questionnaire in the utility bills for the residents, to get their opinion.

                It was decided that these options need to be further explored and discussed at a special meeting.  In the meantime, Mayor Riitters will contact Sheriff Wetzel about county coverage and costs.


                A special meeting will be set for some time between the June and July council meetings.


                Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.