January 16, 2013
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the bills for the month. Carried
Update on Yellow Ribbon Network: Dan Noss updated the council on the Yellow Ribbon Network of Morrison County sharing that at the end of January the network will receive an official proclamation of becoming an official Yellow Ribbon County, which will include all cities within the county. A local ceremony is being planned to be held at the Morrison County Fair this summer.
Task Force update: The Quality of Life Task Force has been moving forward with the Disc Golf project. There will be a raffle held to help raise the funds needed to complete this project. The 2nd Annual Treasure Day will be held on the Saturday before the city clean-up day. Clean-up day has been scheduled for May 11th, therefore, Treasure Day will be held on May 4th.
Mayor’s Appointments: The following changes were made to the Mayor’s Appointments for 2013: Remove Bank of Zumbrota as one of the official Depository’s as the city no longer has any affiliation with them; add Jerry Peterschick to the Budget Committee.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to approve the Mayor’s Appointments for 2013 as presented. Carried
Contract with Greater MN Gas: The contract reads that the city will not be responsible for any costs incurred with this project and that the city will be paid a $7,500 per year lease payment from Greater MN Gas Co. Inc., for the use of Randall’s Town Border Station. Before the city signs the contract, two addendums need to be added by Greater MN Gas: 1. Site plan 2. Certificate of Insurance.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Turner to enter into the lease agreement with Greater MN Gas Company Inc., and sign the contract once the two addendums have been added. Carried
Correction: It was previously reported that council wages were set to increase in 2013. The increase is not in effect until 2015.
Camp Ripley Veteran’s State Trail update: The following is a letter submitted by Susan Roberts: “Attn: City of Randall Council members: I went to the last Camp Ripley Veterans State Trail meeting last Friday, January 11th in Little Falls. I appreciated that City Manager Jerry Peterschick came to this meeting also. As Jerry Can relate to you, the committee of the CRVST voted on trying to get legislative funding for starting on the “section” that is from the Soo Line trail, south of Little Falls, going “NORTH” into the town of Little Falls. According to the majority, starting on the “WEST” side of Camp Ripley, even though more economical to do, is having NO connection to any trail and should NOT be the first priority. Hearing this was disappointing to me. I know that this CRVST is quite a project and the progress is going to take TIME, however, there is money, but he METRO AREA gets the majority of it because “They go after it”. I am going to keep going to the 2nd Thursday, monthly meetings, so that the City of Randall continues to show REPRESENTATION. Many times I have heard the comment at these meetings that “Randall does not seem interested”. So in closing, I again will try to continue to go to the trail meetings for the City of Randall. Sincerely, Susan”
Jerry Peterschick stated that the reason the committee voted to work on the route from the Soo Line to Little Falls is that it would be easier to do at this time. The DNR is working on a specific trail route to submit to the Legacy Funds committee.
It was expressed that the City of Randall IS very interested in this trail coming to town and pointed out that the city has been reserving funds every month specifically for “trail expenses”. The City will contact Susan Roberts about holding one of the CRVST committee meetings here in Randall.
Tort Liability : Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to waive the Tort Liability as done every year. Carried
Planning & Zoning: There was one permit this month
Lee Bollig – New siding, windows and doors on house.
Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve the permit. Carried
Delinquent accounts were reviewed for the month. City Manager was reminded that no payment arrangements are to be made with customers.
Legislative update: Senator Paul Gazelka and Representative Ron Kresha will be at the Little Falls City Hall on February 1st from 9am – 10:30am for anyone who would like to attend.
The liquor/beer inventory is complete and the city auditor has been working on the annual audit.
The spreader chain on the city sander broke last week. A new chain arrived today and will be installed tomorrow.
It was pointed out that there is sanding needed by the Eagle Court parking area.
Meeting adjourned at 7:47p.m.