January 15, 2014

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.


Regularly scheduled council meeting minutes, December 18, 2013, were approved as presented.


No questions of specific bills


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve the payment of the bills. Carried


Old Business:

Motion by Turner and seconded by Andres to go forward with Option 1*, using Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. by increasing a flat fee of $1.50 to all resident and commercial bills. Carried


Fee will start in February, for January 2014 and go through December 2014.


Option 1*:

Fifteen (15) (Weekly) community-wide truck ULV treatments up to 13 miles of streets at $412.75 per treatment; with Biomist 4+4® or synthetic pyrethroid insecticide


New Business:

Year End 2013 Inventory completed. Auditor made notes that the liquor count increased since last inventory count. This was due an increase in Off Sale space and increase in a year end buy for beer.


The contract Greater MN Gas is being renegotiated for the use of the city facility and council will be reviewing the insurance coverage for that future usage.


Mayor approved all 2014 appointments with all updates made. Copies will be available.


Liquor Store Update: Christmas and New Year’s Eve were good.


Water and Sewer: Nothing to report.


Maintenance Department:  Busy with snow removal.


Police Department Report: Police Chief Strack presented to council a proposal for a new squad car computer and software update. Statewide there is an update needed. Strack said this is not needed now, but wanted to give the council an estimate of cost of $5,850 plus software anywhere from $150 to $500.


Council Member’s concerns:

Charley: nothing at this time                       Jerry A.: nothing at this time                       Rick: nothing at this time


Dan: Will be writing a reply letter for the Yellow Ribbon Sign, will it be ok to use City Letterhead, Yes.


Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.


Next regularly scheduled council meeting will be February 19, 2014 at Randall Fire Hall.