June 20, 2012 - Regular Meeting & Public Hearing

Public Hearing

Knight Street and Oak Drive Improvements of 2012

                The public hearing was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Riitters with councilmen Adamski and Andres present.  Councilmen Turner and Carter were excused.  There was no public present and because there were not at least four councilmembers  present, no voting could take place regarding the improvement project.  The regular council meeting will be continued on Monday June 25, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at the fire hall meeting room.

Public hearing was adjourned at 6:35.

Regular Meeting

June 20, 2012

                The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 by Mayor Riitters with Councilmen Adamski and Andres present.  Councilmen Turner and Carter were excused.

                The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.

                Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills for the month.  Carried

                Trail update: Susan Roberts was present to discuss the Camp Ripley Veteran’s State Trail with the council.  She has attended every meeting to this point and presented a map and proposed trail alignments to the council.  These proposed alignments show the trail coming INTO Randall and Susan noted the importance of the word INTO!  It was agreed that Randall needs to continue to stay proactive in the trail planning and in keeping Randall on the minds of those making the decisions on the trail placement.  The council reviewed the design presented and they support he proposed alignments.  It was decided that a letter of support will be sent to Phil Martin of Bolten & Menk and also to Jenny Wood of the MN DNR.

                City of Veteran’s Memorials: Dan Noss asked if the council would be willing to pass a resolution designating Randall as a “City of Veteran’s Memorials”, as there are four Veteran’s Memorial within the city limits.  There was no objection from the members present but the item was tabled until the continuation meeting where there will be a full council. 

                Jerry Adamski also commended Dan Noss for his work with the new Veteran’s Memorial and also the entire council commented on how nice it looks.  Dan stated, it was not just him, that there were many people involved in the entire process, he just brought forward the initial idea.

                City Holidays:  The city received an opinion from City Attorney Peter Vogel stating that “the Minnesota courts have issued that the prohibition of working on holidays does not apply to municipalities and even if it did, any business that a municipality conducted on a holiday would be presumed necessary and would be valid.” 

                There will be one utility account disconnected by the end of the week.

                The city’s financial auditor, Gary Paulson, CPA., has sold to Schlenner Wenner and Co.  It was the consensus of the council to continue as a customer with the new company.

                Beer Licenses:  The Randall-Cushing Lions are requesting non-intoxicating beer licenses for its summer events:  July 3rd and 4th, July 29th (Randall Presbyterian Church Ho Down) and August 12th (St. James Augustfest).

                Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to approve the beer licenses for the Randall-Cushing Lions for July 3rd, 4th, 29th and August 12th.  Carried

                Empty lot by old antique shop:  An individual is wondering if the city would be willing to sell one of the lots next to the old antique shop on Pacific Avenue.  It was decided to have a couple councilmembers and Jerry Peterschick meet with the individual for further discussion.

                Planning & Zoning Permits:  There were 2 permits submitted to the committee this month:

                Mike Drew – 10x20 storage shed; Jerry Carter – 8x10 Utility shed

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to approve the permits.  Carried

                The city received a thank you letter from the Little Falls School District for its participation in the 2012 Day of Caring.

                2012 Election Judges: Gary Gannon, Cathy Gannon, Florence Jones, Patricia Johnson, Jim Chandler, Bill Rodgers, Carol Saxton, Charley Andres, Head Judge – Jerry Peterschick.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Riitters to appoint the election judges as listed.  Carried with Riitters and Adamski in favor and Andres abstaining.

                Filing dates for city offices of Mayor (2 yr term) and 2 council positions (Jerry Carter and Rick Turner) (4 yr term) are July 31, 2012 through August 14, 2012.

                Extended Liquor hours:                Motion by Andres 2nd by Riitters to extend the on-sale liquor hours with the city to 1:00 a.m. on July 4th at the discretion of each establishment.  Carried

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to co-sponsor the business group events during the 4th of July celebration for insurance purposes.  Carried

                Water & Sewer

                Dan has been informed that the company we get our water meters from will no longer be making that style but currently have some left.  He is requesting permission to purchase 20 of those water meters to keep on hand for future use.

                Motion by Adamski 2nd by Andres to purchase 20 water meters at a cost of approx. $2,000.00.  Carried

                The Mayor handed out some information he has compiled regarding the MN Dept of Revenue’s “Revenue Recapture” program and also would like to discuss at a future meeting, increasing the utility deposit that new customers must pay. 

                Meeting re-cessed at 8:20 p.m. and will re-convene at 9:00 a.m. on Monday June 25, 2012