September 15, 2015

Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. All council members present and Terry Lehrke, news editor, from the Morrison County Record were present.

Special assessment hearing minutes and regularly scheduled council meeting minutes of August 19, 2015 were accepted as present.

Motioned by Andres and seconded by Adamski to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Donations: None at this time

Guest: None at this time

Old Business: Matt has confirmed that the three (3) crossing going through Randall all have Constant Warning Time as set by the BNSF. Morrison County came to look at the crossing on County Rd 104 and think the modifications to the crossing would be feasible without moving the crossing arms. MDOT will be updating the crossing at State Highway 115 and be done in approximately eighteen (18) months. In the mean-time BNSF is trying to help the city with the pedestrian crossing to further the quiet zone process.

Robert Helmerick, owner of 130 E 4th Street, concerned with the timing of the road improvement, made a visit to talk to Matt. Matt told him of the council’s decision as presented in August minutes and no further discussion necessary.

New Business: Motioned by Noss and seconded by Riitters to approve to a preliminary tax levy increase from 2015 of $148,000 to $155,000 for 2016. Carried


Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve as written Randall Utility Billing Procedure and signed September 15, 2015. Carried


All council members have been given an initial copy of MN Power contract through 2024 to review. Several cities have been in negotiation with MN Power to finalize fair costs for all the municipals supplied by MN Power throughout the state. The final contract will be completed soon for final signatures.


Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to approve the loan application for MN Public Facilities Authority and MDH Environmental review prepared by Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. Carried


Planning & Zoning permits: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Andres to accept the approved permits as present and approved by the Planning & Zoning Committee; 1. Tim & Ruth Loberg, owner of 151 E 6th Street, resident Harry Miller: to move in a 20 x 30 Home and add an addition to home as submitted by building permit 2. Ken Otremba: put a 12 x16 treated wood shed that’s movable with steel roof 3. Ken Otremba: replace shingles on a 26 x 26 roof with steel 4. Jared Dolney: changing three (3) windows on west side of house that will be different sizes than original windows of one (1) window being in the garage 5. Gerald Adamski: replacing shingles with steel roof on the out buildings. Carried

Committee Reports: City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Winter block of natural gas was purchased, based on 75% of last year usage for the months of October 2014 to March 2015 at a rate of $3.49 last year was $4.80. The remaining 25% will be purchased at market price as needed.

Maintenance Supervisor – Wendell, no concerns.                Police Department Report – Chuck, no concerns.

Water and Sewer – Mike: There are a few minor repairs before winter comes. There is a small water leak behind the Randall Build Supply in the alley that needs to be repaired and the hydrant by the skating rink.

Council Member concerns:

Charley – No concerns to report.

Dan –New cement has just been recently added to the entrance area for the Eagle Court Apartments wanted to know if this would solve the concern for water drainage or not. Matt informed him that at this time there was no way to tell because there has not been any rain to show the drainage. Another concern is the Jake brakes being used from Highway 10. Is it even possible to have Chief Strack try to do something with the Jake braking?

Jerry – No concerns to report.

Rick - No concerns to report.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Next scheduled meeting will be Wednesday October 21, 2015 regular council meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Randall Fire Hall.