August 13, 2014
Special meeting for August 13, 2014 was called to order by Mayor Riitters at 9:00 a.m. at the Randall Fire Hall meeting room. All council members present and city manager. The following public present: James Chandler, Lyle Nelson, Annie Adamski, Gary Gannon, Howard Kazeck, Thomas Jacobson & Michael Hubner.
Mayor opened discussion with a recap of prior meetings concerning city manager’s retirement and future replacement. On the July 10, 2014 special meeting, a motion was made by Rick Turner and seconded by Charlie Andres to go with a full-time liquor store manager and a part-time city manager 20-25 hours as a starting point. Motion carried by all. On July 16, 2014, regular council meeting, a motion was made by Adamski and seconded by Noss to place a hold on the advertisement of the City Manager and Liquor Manager position until a full council is present. Adamski and Noss voted yes; Andres voted no.
Andres restated his thoughts about going to a part-time City Manager & full-time Liquor Store Manager.
Adamski originally agreed with Andres, but after hearing several concerns from the city residents, he says to just hire a full city manager to replace current position.
Turner agrees with having a part-time city manager & full-time liquor store manager, have better control over the liquor store.
Noss is in favor of a full-time City Manager position & full-time Liquor Store Manager. Noss wants to know what happens after regular business hours. What happens in emergencies? City needs someone to be able to answer questions.
There were many concerns from the public that were present. City Manager, Jerry Peterschick and all public present, were in support for a full time city manager position.
No decisions made.
Special meeting was recessed at 11:30 a.m. and will re-adjourn at 8:30 a.m. August 14, 2014.