August 15, 2012
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except councilman Turner.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to pay the bills for the month. Carried
There was no old business to discuss.
City of Veteran’s Memorials signs: Dan Noss reported that since the last meeting, that there will be a charge for the signs. The charge is $200 for moving the population sign up and installing the City of Veteran’s Memorials signs and also $320 for the purchase of the signs. Dan has received some donations already and has more organizations to approach but did ask the council if the city would like to donate towards the $520 needed for the signs.
Motion by Riitters 2nd by Andres to donate $150.00 towards the purchase and installation of the signs. Carried
Hardware Store building: The city manager was approached by an individual inquiring about the possibility of re-zoning the property where the hardware store is and the land next to it from Commercial to Residential for apartment buildings. The general feeling of the council at this time was to keep the land commercial as there are not very many other commercial land options in the city.
Building Permits
Wayne Anderson – 24x32 garage, 10x24 breezeway, steel roofing on house and garages
Jared Dolney – replace shingles with steel roofing
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the permits as presented. Carried
There was a 3rd permit submitted that was not approved by planning and zoning. Hinten Properties, LLC. Requesting the re-zoning of a portion of unbuildable land from residential to commercial. Planning and Zoning requested more information.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to deny the request from Hinten Properties, LLC. Due to lack of information. Hinten Properties will need to go back to planning and zoning with more information as to why they want this piece of property re-zoned. Carried
Utilities will be disconnected at one residence for non-payment effective immediately.
Initiative Foundation annual donation request was tabled until the September meeting.
The city was notified that its Local Government Aid (LGA) for 2013 will be $125,534.00, an increase of $1,259.00.
Knight Street Work has begun this week on the Knight Street project.
Truth in Taxation: The council will need to set the proposed tax levy for 2013 at the September meeting. Last year’s levy was increased 8% ($10,000) to $135,000.00
Power outages : Minnesota Power has placed detectors around the city but have not found any problems yet.
Jerry Carter was approached by a citizen concerned about more residential property being added to Pacific Avenue. It was explained that the city has a comprehensive plan and in that plan, no additional variances re-zoning to residential will be granted on Pacific Avenue.
The Randall Area Business Group will be having its fall Harvest Fest on the weekend of October 27th. One part of that weekend will be a bike ride and all proceeds from the ride will go towards the purchase of a bike rack for the city. All donations should be made to the city and the city will purchase the bike rack when the required amount of funding is reached. There is also a possible pumpkin patch in the planning stages and it was asked if it could be down in Veteran’s Park. Angie Magee will get more information on the pumpkin patch concerning any liability to the city.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53p.m.