November 16, 2011
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of last months’ meeting were approved.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Adamski to approve the bills for the month. Carried
4th of July: Donna Lundren and Mike Drew of the Randall 4th of July committee were present with their annual request for a donation towards the 2012 4th of July Celebration. This year they are requesting $3,500.00. They explained that they would like to give larger prize amounts out to the winners of the best float in the parade because many contestants put a lot of work and money into their floats. The 2012 event will be 2 days, Tuesday July 3rd will be the street dance and fireworks, with the parade and many other events to be held on Wednesday the 4th.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to donate $3,500.00 to the 4th of July committee for the promotion of the city during the 2012 4th of July event. Carried
Dan Noss informed the council that he will come back at a later date to ask the city if they want to donate toward the purchase of a bench for the Veteran’s Memorial as there are still some details being worked out at this time.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to sign the agreement with the Morrison County Attorneys Office for prosecution services. Carried
Planning & Zoning: There were two permits this month:
Bill Rodgers: 26x26 addition to back of shop. Planning and Zoning approved this as long as there are no issues with the flood plain, which there is not.
Jonathon Scheerle: 8x8 Portable shed
Motion by Adamski 2nd Andres to approve the permits. Carried
Budget Committee: The budget committee has been working on finalizing a proposal for 2012. Jerry Peterschick recommended setting up a contingency fund for emergency purchases, in the electric fund.
It was decided to budget $20,000.00 for the contingency fund and it will be a separate line item in the Electric fund.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to begin depositing $250.00 per month into a separate savings account, designated for a connection trail to the Veteran’s State Trail system. Carried
Motion by Andres 2nd by Adamski to approve a rental agreement with the Randall Cushing Lions for the pull-tab booth area and pull-tab machine area in the Randall Liquor Store. Carried
The Christmas decorations will be up and lit by Thanksgiving night.
No issues with the police dept. The chief reports that everything has been running smoothly.
The Chief did state that anyone with a complaint should contact the Morrison County Sheriff’s department at 632-9233 to make the official complaint and they will forward it to the Chief when appropriate or will send a deputy to handle the complaint.
Delinquent utilities were reviewed and the Mayor mentioned he will get more information about certifying delinquent utilities on property taxes.
The Mayor would still like to set a special meeting up before the December meeting. The meeting would be a planning session, discussing the real estate notices coming out, budget, salaries and anything else that needs to be addressed.
The special meeting was set for December 7th from 9 – 11:30 a.m. at the fire hall meeting room.
Truth in Taxation meeting will be held on December 21, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.
The Mayor shared a list of his own property taxes from now back to 2003, showing the fluctuation of taxes and that most taxes are lower now than 3 years ago.
A 10mph sign has now been installed on Hill Drive.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.