September 18, 2013

Regularly scheduled city council meeting started at 7:00 p.m. and a special presentation at 6:30 p.m. with all council members present.


The 4th of July Committee: Donna Lungren, Mike Drew and Amber, the representative from Flag Ship, a company that makes this equipment for special needs, presented to the council what a possible layout of a Bingo Park playground. They would like to add ADA accessible equipment. However, to complete an update like this project, the rock that the playground is in needs to meet standard playground code which is an engineered wood fiber, specific for playgrounds. After much discussion the council agreed to have the 4th of July Committee complete the project in phases.


The minutes of the August 15th special meeting and regularly scheduled August 21st were all approved as presented.


Motioned by Andres and seconded by Adamski to approve the payment of the bills. Carried.


No questions of specific bills


Public Comment & Concern: None at this time


Old Business:

At this time Mayor Riitters, Noss and City Manager Peterschick plan on attending the 2013 League of Minnesota Cities Regional meeting held in Wadena on October 9, 2013.


Coffee with the Cop will be on Friday, September 27, 2013 9 a.m. Randall Café.


The City Cemetery Sign is completed and Noss will be picking this up on September 20th.


Heat Share program brochures and Cold Weather brochures will go out with the September utility billing.


Peterschick will make contact with Dr. Knight Principal Larry Edgerton to find out an update for sidewalk options from CR#104 to the school.


New Business:

Special meeting set for October 3rd at Fire Hall Meeting Room at 8:30 am to reviewing possible candidates for the Water-Waste Water position.


Council decided to call Energy Insight, Inc. in for a presentation on what they can do for the conservation of energy efforts that Randall already does and ways to increase the efforts.


Mayor Riitters, with council, decided to proclaim October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.


Planning & Zoning:

Motion by Noss and seconded by Adamski to approve permit this month for 150 Boulder Place – North Wood Property Service – 10x10 deck. Carried.


Delinquent Accounts:  Reviewed and no issues this month



Carpet Repair: The liquor store will be repairing the existing carpet.


Polish Horseshoes at Liquor Store: Draw your partner, $10 per person (includes entry fee & 1ST drink) 100% payback. Sign up from noon – 1:30pm (please register on time) Tournament Starts at 2pm.



River Road: This project was completed Crosby & Sons Construction using only crushed cement and for the same budget of $3,960.00.


Walk Bridge: The erosion of the river bank by the walk bridge has been completed to with rip rap.


Maintenance Report:  Council discussed a possibility of looking at purchasing a tractor in the future due to the issues the current city tractor has with repair costs.


Police Department:

Peterschick will contact Police Chief Strack with the various concerns from citizens for not stopping at posted signs through-out the city limits and speeding concerns on Co. Road 14 and 104.



Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm


The next regularly scheduled council meeting, October 16, 2013 at Randall Fire Hall.