November 18, 2013

Regularly scheduled city council meeting started at 7:00 p.m. with all council members present.


The minutes of the October 16th meeting were approved as presented.


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve the payment of the bills. Carried.


No questions of specific bills


Donations: Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to accept the following donation, Randall Cushing Area Lions $150 for Tree at Bingo Park and $300 for Horse-drawn Trolley; $150 from VFW for Horse-drawn Trolley and Randall-Cushing Little Elk Lions $100 for Disc Golf project, carried.


Public Comment & Concern: None at this time


Old Business:

The City Cemetery Sign is completed but was originally not painted. This is now being done and will be picked up by Noss.


New Business:

Energy Insight, Inc. came to give a presentation on additional ways to enhance efforts to conserve energy in Randall. After the presentation, no decisions were made.


Motion made by Noss and seconded by Andres to purchase state tax forfeited land, Outlot A – Aspen Ridge, parcel #43.0346.000 for $12,832.26, carried. This intent to purchase is to develop in the future.


Motion made by Andres and seconded by Turner to waive the monetary limits on tort liability recognized by Minnesota Statutes 466.04, carried.


May 7, 2014 will be the Equalization meeting at 9 a.m. and they will need a RSVP.


City received an estimate for road repair from Tri-City Paving for Superior Avenue and East 4th Street. This will be for budget review and planning only, $40,000 Superior Ave & $36,000 for East 4th Street. The council will look at what project or projects they wish to do in the future.


Special Meeting set for November 26, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. to finalize 2014 Budget.


Planning & Zoning:

Motion by Andres and seconded by Noss to approve permit for steel siding on the south side at VFW and Jason Linkert for a privacy fence, carried.


Motion by Noss and seconded by Adamski to approve permit for Tammy Steffen for fence, carried on the stipulation that the planning and zoning committee will be contacted and approve it.


Delinquent Accounts:  Reviewed and no issues this month


Carpet Repair: The liquor store will be repairing the existing carpet; Jerry will be in contact Wiczek Flooring.


Water & Sewer: Nothing to report, Mike started December 2, 2013.


Maintenance Report:  Nothing to Report.


Police Department:

Chief Strack was present to report to the council an estimate for a kennel for the K-9, Ellie. After reviewing many resources of portable kennels, the prices range from $1,400 to $1,500. Chief was able to get an estimate from Ray’s Auto Body for $700. The material is removable and completed separated from prisoner in the back seat.


Motion made by Noss and seconded by Turner to purchase a kennel for $700 from Ray’s Auto Body, carried.


Concerns about the stop signs and speed limit were brought to Chief Strack’s attention. His recommends no change in either one at this time.


Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.


December 18, 2013 at Randall Fire Hall:

Special meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. to set the Final 2014 Tax Levy and following that at 7 p.m. will be regularly scheduled council meeting.