March 18, 2015

Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Council members Dan Noss, Gerald Adamski and Rick Turner present. Not present were Mayor Riitters and council member Charlie Andres.


Guest(s): Tom Jacobson, Randall Cushing Area Lions Club; George Minerich, Minnesota Department of Health; Roger Pietron, local business owner inquiring about getting a liquor license; Mike Kumm, Public Power Energy Services, LLC; Dan Travica and Jason Risdall, Minnesota Power; Tina Snell, Morrison Co. Record.


Tom Jacobson, Randall Cushing Area Lions Club was present to ask city council for the 4th of July celebration beer permit on July 3, 2015 street dance.


Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to approve the beer permit for July 3, 2015 for Randall Cushing Area Lions Club to serve for the 4th of July celebration. Carried


George Minerich, Minnesota Department of Health, present for the Public Information to be consistent with the Wellhead Protection Rule, part 4720.5330, subpart 7. The basics of the phase one was to assess the water quality of Randall. The MDH already has the ability to help with this assessment and George Minerich explained to the council that part one of the Wellhead Protection is complete. George was willing to answer any questions about the assessment, there were no concerns. He recommended the city council approve phase one of the Wellhead Protection plan for the City of Randall. Once this is approved phase two can start, however with the recent testing of nitrates, this will be put on hold until a new swell site is selected.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Noss to accept the Wellhead Protection part one for Randall. Carried


Public Hearing February 18, 2015 for Improvement 2014-02, Public Hearing February 18, 2015 for Improvement 2014-03, regularly scheduled meeting February 18, 2015 and Special Meeting March 18, 2015 were accepted as presented.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Noss to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Roger Pietron, local business owner, was present to ask city council for approval of having a beer and wine license. He has inquired at the county and state level and is considered to be the size of business that qualifies to have a license.


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Noss to approve an annual beer and wine license for Roger Pietron, and will be considered on an annual basis. Carried


Mike Kumm, Public Power Energy Services, a consulting company that specializes in acquiring energy for Municipal Electric companies, was present. His company is trying to organize a group of municipal electric companies to create leverage on Minnesota Power to get a better electric rate.


Dan Travica and Jason Risdall, of Minnesota Power, the current provider of service and energy to the City of Randall, were also present. Minnesota Power has been serving the Randall area with services for more than twenty years. They provide Randall with supplies, materials and 24 hour customer service.


Old Business: City Wide Garage Sale dates are May 6th and May 7th with the Treasure Day on Saturday May 9th. Long Prairie Sanitation is set for Cleanup Day on Saturday, May 16, 2015.

Donations: Green Prairie Township asking for a donation for the annual maintain and improvements.


Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to donate $500.00 to the Green Prairie Township for the annual maintain and improvements. Carried


Planning & Zoning permits: #1 Hinten Properties to install a 10 foot x 40 foot Billboard on their property that was changed to commercial on the end of Valley drive. The sign will be installed by Franklin Properties.


Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to approve the building permit as present. Carried


Committee Reports:                     

City Manager – Matt wanted to inform the council of mater main break on February 24, 2015 at 12:30 a.m. and by 8 p.m. the repairs were complete. This was located at Little Elk Drive.

Maintenance Report – Wendell has been busy cleaning up the streets with the recent warmup.        

Water and Sewer – Mike has been busy with Wellhead Protection, water testing and maintaining the water system

Police Department Report – February 26, 2015 at Kim’s on Pacific, Coffee with Police Department was not as good as expected. Chief Strack is always available and if there are any concerns to please come visit city hall or leave a message with police department or at city hall.


Council Member’s concerns:

Dan – Wants to still have the proposed day for Jerry Peterschick, of October 27 and a Proclamation at city hall. He has looked at the ordinances for the city of Randall and there is nothing for drones. He will be looking further into this concern. Matt will also contact the League of Minnesota Cities to find out if there is anything the city can do.

Dan wanted Matt to know that he thinks Matt is doing a great job.

Jerry A. – nothing at this time

Rick – nothing at this time


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


The next regularly scheduled council meeting is April 15, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at Randall Fire Hall.