April 17, 2013
The regular meeting of the Randall City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of the March meeting were approved as presented.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Turner to pay the bills for the month. Carried
4th of July Celebration: 4th of July committee members Donna Lundgren & Mike Drew were present to inform the council that the committee will only be sponsoring a street dance and fireworks this year, no parade this year and they will both be held on the evening of July 3rd and they also were here to ask if the city would like to contribute to the promotion of the evening.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Carter to donate $3,500.00 towards the promotion of the city for the 2013 4th of July celebration. Carried
The committee also has been looking into options for placing a banner across Main Street, hoping it could stay up year round. They asked that if needed, if the city would install an additional pole for hanging the banner. They were encouraged to collaborate with the Vision Randall Economic Development on the banner issue as they have been discussing similar ideas.
Motion by Andres 2nd by Turner to extend the beer and dance permit time to 1:00 a.m. July 4th. Carried
Sidewalk to school update: Jerry Peterschick met with Dr. Knight Principal Larry Edgerton to discuss possible options for a sidewalk from CR#104 to the school. Jerry will bring more information to a future meeting.
Planning & Zoning: The planning & zoning committee made a recommendation to the city council that anyone installing any style of fence on their property must be sure there is sufficient access into the area. Utility meters must be accessible for maintenance and monthly reading and emergency personnel must be able to use that as an entrance if needed. Jerry Peterschick will check with other cities on what their ordinances are and report back next month.
Building permits: Jeremy Johnson – chain link and privacy fence along property line; Amber & Ben Lowe – re-side house and garage.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to approve the permits. Carried
Ride for Healing: Dan Noss asked if the city would/could make a donation to the ride which will benefit the building of an education center at the Veteran’s Memorial in Washington D.C. He was informed that the city probably cannot donate to such cause but the city manager will double check with the auditor.
Flower box project: Gary Gannon was in attendance to ask if the city would donate $350.00 again this year toward the flower box project.
Motion by Carter 2nd by Andres to donate $350.00 to the flower box project. Carried
Gary also asked if the section of the street that was dug up at the East end of East 4th Street could be filled in with gravel as the hole is getting quite large again. City staff will contact someone to bring in more fill.
The liquor store will be getting prices from a couple businesses for new carpet. The existing carpet is about 18 years old.
City staff has also received a quote on carpet cleaning for the city hall, fire hall meeting room and Park building. The council would like staff to get a couple more quotes.
Jerry Peterschick spoke briefly of the tax proposals being reviewed that could potentially affect the liquor store.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.