March 21, 2018
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss, with Clerk Jerry Adamski, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba present. Not present Deputy Mayor Charley Andres.
Council accepted the corrected minutes of the January 17, 2018 and February 21, 2018 meeting as presented.
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Adamski to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.
Donations: Motioned by Turner and seconded by Adamski to donate $500.00 for maintenance and operation of the beach to Green Prairie Township Park. Carried
Guest(s): None at this time.
Old Business:
Local Board of Equalization is set for April 18, 2018 at 11:00am at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting Room, council members Andres, Adamski and Mayor Noss will be present.
Donna from the 4th of July Committee informed Matt that Virg Litke would play music at the Bingo Park pavilion alone from Noon-3pm on the 4th of July for $300 or for $600 he would play with his band. Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to spend the additional cost of $600 to have Virg Litke and his band play July 4th from Noon-3pm. Carried
The council asked if banners could be hung on the firetrucks in the parade to promote the additional events taking place in the city on the Fourth.
Matt talked to a potential buyer of the 4 residential lots that the city has for sale in Eagle Court. The developer has other property in the city limits and will get back to Matt if he is interested in making an offer. Councilmen Adamski and turner will handle the negotiating to determine a fair price between the buyer and the city. If they do not reach an agreement than they will use a real estate agent to list the properties and hopefully generate some interest.
Councilmen Chyba, Adamski and Matt met with Morrison County Sheriff after last month’s regular council meeting to discuss possible options for law enforcement in the City of Randall. Officer Strack also met with councilman Chyba and Pantzke to discuss those options as well. No decisions will be made until further discussion with a full council present.
New Business:
Motioned by Chyba and seconded by Turner to renew a three year 2018, 2019 & 2020 Agreement with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. for $6,525.00 a year and increase the monthly service fee from $1.50 to $1.60. Carried
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to submit surplus equipment to Hillig Equipment in Long Prairie to be auctioned off. The city would than use those funds to purchase a portable 2000 or 3500 watt generator and air compressor to conduct maintenance throughout the city. Carried
Matt received three (3) bids for painting the Water Tower and installing a safety cable, lanyard and climbing harness. The first was from Champion Tank Services for $49,800 which included two (2) safety harnesses, second from Tri-State Coating for $45,000 which included one (1) safety harness and Maguire Iron, Inc. for $48,400 which included one (1) safety harness. Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to accept the bid from Tri-State Coating for $45,000 contingent upon them suppling a total of two climbing harnesses at no additional cost. Carried
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve Change Order No. 5 for the 2017 Water System Improvement, the Chlorine Room Electrical Changes/Additions in the amount of $4,918.00. Carried
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve Change Order No. 6 for the 2017 Water System Improvement, furnish and install a scale for the phosphate chemical system for $4,069.00. Carried
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to approve the Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 6 for the 2017 Water System Improvement in the amount of $131,635.69 for services through March 16, 2018. Carried
Planning & Zoning permits: None at this time
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Matt took a request that the city look into getting WIFI or internet service for Bingo Park and Building. Matt estimated the cost at $85.00 per month for internet service to the building. Council decided that at this time it will be revisited in the future if the need increases. Matt also wanted to let the council know that he has received a bid to replace the carpet in the Liquor Store, Park Building and Fire Hall Meeting Room from Wiczek’s Floors and More. The quote was for the very high quality carpet. He is waiting to get a revised quote for a less expensive carpet that may be suitable. Council expressed that we should get an additional bid from another vendor to ensure we are getting the best price. Matt will look for an additional vendor/installer. The required Natural Gas safety survey will start in the very near future. The survey will be done by Blue Otter solutions over the telephone, they will be sending out a test call first with a phone number people can call if they have questions. The survey is required by the Office of Pipeline Safety.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Snow removal has been good until the last storm, but with the help of Sander’s, the clean-up went as well as could be expected. Pat, Mike and Matt will be attending the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS) Conference in April. Also Minnesota Power will be working with the city to install the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) meters to replace the existing electric meters.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Mike has been helping Pat with snow removal and normal daily duties. He has also finished measuring and recording the distance between the road before and after frost for the city manholes and will be ordering manhole risers in the future to correct the problem.
Police Department Report – Chief Strack: Charlie has been on duty since February 26, 2018 and it’s been a busy month.
Council Member’s concerns:
Charley – Not present Rick – Nothing at this time Jim – Nothing at this time Jerry – Nothing at this time
Mayor Noss – wanted to inform the council that he and the area cities are looking at a bill that is going through State Legislature, Reverse Referendum for property tax, which affects the City Tax Levies. He is also looking into the feasibility of the city having a Rental Inspector for all rental properties in the City of Randall.
Next meeting: Regularly scheduled city council meeting 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room April 18, 2018.
Adjourned at 8:28 p.m.