September 21, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of the council meeting on August 17, 2016 were approved as presented.
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Noss to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Guests: Dave Reese and Larry Van Hout with Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. present to discuss the design of a new water treatment plant.
Public Comment & Concern: None at this time.
Donations: None at this time.
Old Business: Matt took the Chicken Ordinance from the August meeting to city attorney, Peter Vogel, and included with tonight’s information is the first legal draft of the ordinance. After review, council members made the appropriate corrections. Matt will return to Peter Vogel for further updates.
Larry Van Hout, Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. presented the information and explained the floor plans, water treatment options and cost to install a new water treatment plant. There would be green sand filter to remove manganese and ion exchange filter to remove / reduce nitrates. The location of the treatment plant would be by the original well site off of 1st Street. The estimated cost of this system will be about 1.5 million. The city would need to amend the original application for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund to reflect the request of the new water treatment system.
Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to amend the original request from a new well to a new water treatment system through the PFA, the Drinking Water Revolving Fund. Carried
Matt informed the council the bore test by Eagle Court for soil types and for water flow was good for a private well but not enough for a city well.
New Business: Motioned by Andres and seconded by Adamski to set preliminary tax levy at a 5% increase for 2017, from $155,000 to $162,750. Carried
The council discussed increasing water rates which will be required by the PFA, to increase cash flow for the water fund.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Andres to approve the increase of the water base rate from $12.00 to $17.00 effective October 1, 2016. Carried
Planning & Zoning permits: Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to approve the following building permits as approved by the Planning & Zoning committee:
Gary Gannon, to put storage shed in the back of his property. The size to be is 8’x 12’.
Tim Strack to build storage shed 25’x137’, floating cement slab, which will have 13 - 10’x 25’ Units
St James Church to add on to the Church a 62’x92’ addition. Carried
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt gave council members the first draft of the Maintenance Supervisor help wanted ad. Please review and bring back to October city council so by December the city could maybe get the candidate hired. Liquor store tap beer prices for domestic raised $0.25 per drink and the carpet just got cleaned.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Mike and Wendell have been preparing the plow truck, install parts and getting it ready for winter.
Police Department Report – Chief Strack: asked council to consider hiring a part-time officer. Chief Strack informed council members that in 2015 he had taken 127 calls. There has been an increase for 2016 to 185 call just through September 2016. The request to hire a part-time officer to help relieve the surveillance duties that Chief Strack can’t response to because of his existing full time position. Chief Strack also informed the council of select residents having multiple vehicles outside unregistered. If the residents continue to do this further action would occur.
Matt will make the select residents in the city aware of the vehicles. He will also explain what could happen if nothing is done about the unregistered vehicles.
Maintenance Sup. Report – Wendell: Maintaining mowing and starting prepare for fall/winter.
Council Member’s concerns:
Rick – None at this time Charley – None at this time Jerry – None at this time
Dan – Can the police department activity be included in the agenda? No the employee report is available to view at city hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. Next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday October 19, 2016 7pm at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting room.