December 19, 2018
Special city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss, present were Mayor, Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council member Jim Chyba and Jeff Wright, council member elect. Absent was council member Rick Turner.
Mayor Noss opened the meeting up for discussion for the 2019 Tax Levy proposal. In September the preliminary 2019 Tax Levy was set at $162,750 an increase of 5% from the original amount of $155,000.
On December 6, 2019 the council discussed the 2019 budget. After reviewing the budget the council came to an agreement that an increase to 2% would be a recommended.
No public was present. Special Meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.
Regular city council meeting was opened at 7:06pm by Mayor Dan Noss.
Council accepted the minutes of the November 21, 2018 and the December 6, 2018 special budget meetings as presented.
Motion by Andres and seconded by Chyba to approve the payment of the bills. Carried
Guest(s): Dave Reese, Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. He came to thank the City of Randall for working with them on the Water Treatment project and thought overall the project went very good. The total project cost came in at approximately $22,000 over budget but the City was also able to include all of the costs incurred during the planning of the project. Dave spoke with Mike Hubner, everything is running as it should be at the Water Treatment Plant. Dave said that working with the city staff was a pleasant experience as it has had been with prior projects and hopes the city will continue to work with Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. for future projects.
Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.
Donations: None at this time.
Old Business: None at this time.
New Business:
The council held a budget meeting on December 6, 2018 and a 2% levy increase was recommended. The following are included for the 2019 budget:
- $20,000 in the contingency fund
- $1,000 for Planning & Zoning wages
- $24,000 for the Morrison County Sheriff
- $3,000 for solar powered Speed Signs
- $18,000 to be put into a new saving account called Infrastructure Fund
- $2,800 for a seasonal employee
- $2,000 for new computers at City Hall
- $5,000 for remodel at City Hall
- First year to transfer money from the Cemetery & Solid Waste funds to General Fund
- $10,000 for wastewater equipment to include VFD’s on the blowers
- $5,000 for Natural Gas fund to purchase a new locator
- $10,000 for Electric system upgrades
- 3% Wage increase for City Staff
Motion by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to approve the 2019 budget and employee salaries. Carried
Motion by Chyba and seconded by Andres to set the 2019 Tax Levy with a 2% increase at $158,100. Carried
As pursuant to Minnesota statute 204B.16, the City of Randall must designate a polling place. The Randall community building AKA Bingo Park Building located at 531 River Road Randall MN annually as its Election Polling Place.
Motion by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve Resolution 12192018 – Designation of Annual Renewal Election Polling Place to be the Randall community building AKA Bingo Park Building, located at 531 River Road Randall MN. Carried
Personnel Manual – Mayor Noss and Clerk Adamski are on the personnel committee. They will be meeting to review the existing personnel manual. They will come to the January or February council meeting with recommendations. If other council members want a copy of the existing manual they will be available at City Hall. The City of Motley had just updated their personnel manual. The council members think this would be a good to use as a model when reviewing the City of Randall’s manual.
Utility Rates – 2019
The Utility Board, Mayor Noss, Deputy Mayor Andres and City Manager Matt Pantzke will be meeting at 10am December 20, 2018. They will be reviewing all the utility rates and making a recommendation for any rate changes.
Planning & Zoning permits:
None at this time
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Matt informed the council 2018 year-end inventory audit for the Liquor Store will be held January 2, 2019 at Noon with Schlenner Wenner & Co. The bar stools are to arrive this week at the Liquor Store and if they are to our liking, we are going to order more so the purchase will reflect on the 2018 budget. We also have purchased three high top tables.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Pat just completed his 2nd year of lineman school the week of December 10th.
Snow removal has been minimal so he’s been working on tree trimming with Mike where they can. There are some property concerns when they go to trim around the utilities. Matt suggested that the council look at approving a right-a-way utility easement policy. If the city has a clear utility easement policy, then all property owners where the city’s right-a-away is. Matt will bring what he finds to a future meeting.
Future Street Repair – When the time comes to start the street repair the highest priority areas will be the alley, the streets around the water tower and Parkview Drive. These streets and or water and sewer lines are in poor condition and should be considered for repairs and or replacement. More discussion is to come in 2019.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Both plants are running as they should be.
Council Member’s concerns:
Charley – Thank you for 12 great years.
Mayor Noss – There is training for newly elected officials in February 2019 through the League of MN Cities.
Jim – Thank you to the city for a good year, 2018. Rick – Not present Jerry – Nothing at this time.
Next meeting: Next scheduled city council meeting will be January 16, 2019 at 7:00pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room.
Adjourned at 7:51 p.m.