August 16, 2017

Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with all present, Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba present.


Council accepted the minutes of the July 19, 2017 regular council meeting and special meeting August 9, 2017 as presented.


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Guest(s): Dave Reese with Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc., Denny and Lori Mueller with Gosch’s Grocery Store, and Susan Robert’s with Randall Building Supplies.

Donations: None at this time.

Old Business: Dave Reese with Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. presented to the council with their recommendation that the water treatment project be awarded to Rice Lake Construction Group, Deerwood MN as the lowest qualified bidder. Rice Lake did not name a well driller on their first tier sub-contractor list. They were contacted by WSN and did provide that information which listed four well drillers the lowest of which was Traut Wells. The city attorney reviewed all of the bid information and determined that it was a minor irregularity and will not change the project outcome. He then drafted a resolution with his findings as follows.

WHEREAS the City of Randall has advertised for sealed bids regarding construction of a water treatment plant, and,

WHEREAS the low bidder, Rice Lake Construction Company, did not identify the well drilling sub-contractor in their bid submission as set forth in the bidding documents, and,

WHEREAS the City Council has consulted with the City Attorney and with their engineer for the project, and



  1. Rice Lake Construction Company’s failure to identify the well drilling sub-contractor was a minor irregularity and does not change the price, time or scope of work for their bid.

  2. Rice Lake Construction Company is the lowest responsible bidder for the project.

  3. The City of Randall shall award the contract for construction of the water treatment plant to Rice Lake Construction.

Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to accept Resolution 81617

Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba Voted Yes. None apposed

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Andres to award Rice Lake Construction Group, Deerwood MN the bid for the City of Randall Water Treatment Plant. Carried

Council members Chyba and Turner met with City manager Pantzke to review the current city equipment inventory and the future needs of the city. At this point the tractor will need a new broom before winter; our rear blade for the tractor is also nearing the end of its usefulness. The purchase of a skid loader, with snow plow and broom, would probably be the best suitable purchase for the city to make. A skid loader has diverse capabilities and would service the city with a wide range of tasks. A new skid loader, broom and snowplow can be purchased for about$36,000 on state bid pricing. The city also owns a Vermeer trencher that is seldom used .The trencher, at a trade-in, is valued at $5,000 to $7,000. There are few new construction projects this summer and will be using the trencher, once those are completed the city could than look at selling or trading the trencher. The City currently has $40,000 in our equipment fund that would cover the cost. The council agreed that this is the best path forward and should prolong the life of the tractor for many years.

New Business: Matt and Andres met to discuss the city utility rates before the special meeting on August 9, 2017. The following utilities were reviewed solid waste, natural gas, electric, water and sewer. Solid waste is good. Natural Gas is good. The electric fund as of June is down $20,000. This is due from cost increase since beginning January 1, 2017 from Minnesota Power. After review electric fund recommendation is to raise the base fee from $14.50 to $20.00 and no longer include any electricity in the base fee. Secondly raise step 2 from .089 per Kw to .09 per Kw and leave all KW above 360 at .085 per Kw. The final recommendation on the electric is to enter into a ten year agreement with Minnesota Power to install new AMI meters on the entire electric system. Minnesota Power would then provide the city with readings on a monthly basis. This would be at a cost of $3.00 per meter which would be passed onto the customers. The total Increase on electric would cover the increase from Minnesota Power. Sewer fund is tracking to break even at best and an increase of $2.00 on the base fee would help the city build some cash reserves for the future. Water will need to be looked at after the completion of our treatment plant in 2018 and rates adjusted accordingly.


Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve the Electrical and Sewer Rate increase effective August 2017 utility billing. Carried


Matt wanted to inform the council members that the nails on roof at city hall are pulling out and need to be replaced with screws. Matt spoke with Randall Roofing and they can complete this for about $1,000.


There is a need for a full time bar manger as noted in the special meeting minutes from August 9, 2017. Matt will run an ad for a full time bar manager for two weeks in the Morrison County Record and go from there.


Public Comment and Concern: Present were Denny and Lori Mueller with Gosch’s Grocery Store, and Susan Robert’s with Randall Building Supplies. The concerns brought to the council members and the police department was about the issues that the local businesses are having disruptive youth on private and city property. Denny has had problems with theft, vandalism, harassment and security issues. Susan has had $800 in property damage. Both are very frustrated and came to meeting hoping the city, police department and business owners can come together to find the solution. Chief Strack and Matt both have tried to communicate with the youth and their parents about the issues.

Planning & Zoning permits: There are three permits as follows as approved by the Planning and Zoning committee:

  1. City of Randall to construct a new water treatment plant and remove the old pump house. Motioned by Drew and seconded by Jacobson. Carried
  2. Bridget McMahon to remove stucco and replace original siding on the front of house 14 feet by 12 feet. Also to replace front cement steps with wooden platform 10 feet by 10 feet. Motioned by Wright and seconded by Drew. Carried
  3. City of Randall to replace shingles with steel roof on the Bingo Park Community Building. Motioned by Jacobson and seconded by Wright. Carried

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to approve the above permits as approved by the Planning and Zoning committee. Carried

Committee Reports:  

City Manager/Liquor Store: Matt wants to remind council September meeting council will need to set the 2018 preliminary tax levy. The current Tax Levy is $155,000. Also there will be three new utility installations the next few weeks, two commercial and one residential.

Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Pat has been staying busy with the summer tasks and has been updating some of the city maintenance safety equipment. Pat has also started the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association Lineman program and has met with the onsite instructor. Crack filling on 4th Street and Superior Ave is complete.

Crosby & Sons Construction will be completing the shouldering work on Superior Avenue between Evans Implement and Petro Plus soon.

Water and Sewer – Mike: Mike just received his class C wastewater license with MPCA.

Police Department Report – Chief Strack: City of Randall was overcharged on the purchase of the new squad car in 2016. This city could be eligible for a refund pending the investigation of Nelson Auto Center.

A new agreement with State of Minnesota Joint Powers and the City of Randall Police Department needs to be passed because since the last agreement, Resolution 81716, there was a change in mayors for the city. The new agreement will have Mayor Noss in place of Mayor Riitters.

Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to accept Resolution 81617-2 which is the agreement between the State of Minnesota Joint Powers and the City of Randall Police Department. Carried

Council Member’s concerns:

Charley – Nothing at this time                     Rick – Nothing at this time                           Jerry – Nothing at this time

Jim – Concern for homeless teenager living in various locations throughout the city. Chief Strack stated that he escorted him to Little Falls today.

Mayor Noss – Nothing at this time            

Next meeting: Regularly scheduled city council meeting Wednesday September 20, 2017 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room. Adjournment at 9:25 p.m.