April 18, 2018
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss, with Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres and council member Rick Turner present. Not present council member Jim Chyba.
Council accepted the minutes of the March 21, 2018 meeting as presented.
Motion by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Guest(s): Dave Reese, Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. presented the progress of the Water Treatment Plant, Payment No. 7, Change Order No. 7 and Change Order No. 8. The startup of the plant will be delayed until late next week due to some equipment issues. Council was asked if they intend to have a ceremony and open house after the plant is running. Mike Hubner responded that site conditions are currently rather muddy and once they improve it is an option.
Major Neal Wilson and Chief Bjerke from Camp Ripley to present the Annual Report regarding Camp Ripley’s impact on the community.
Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.
Donations: Motion by Turner and seconded by Adamski to accept a donation of $1,100.00 on behalf of the Randall Area Business Group for use of city signs for 2018. Carried
Old Business:
Matt informed the council that the city received a $341 settlement from a lawsuit against Nelson Auto. They had an employee who was double charging for the factory installed features of the squad car. This happened to several different state bids and the employee doing this for Nelson’s has since been terminated.
Morrison County Sheriff Shawn Larsen during a prior meeting with Councilmen Chyba, Adamski and Matt that he was willing to come to Randall for a special public meeting about the Randall Police Department and to discuss the possibility of disbanding the Randall Police Department and contracting with the county. Larson has since drafted a contract and emailed it to Matt who then forwarded it to Contract Attorney Chris Smith from the League of Minnesota cities for his review and input.
Council set May 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Randall Fire Department Meeting Room for a special public meeting about the Randall Police Department and to discuss the possibility of disbanding and contracting with the county.
New Business:
Motion by Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve the Contractor’s Application for Partial Payment No. 7 for the 2017 Water System Improvement in the amount of $60,886.93. Carried
Motion by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve Change Order No. 7 for the 2017 Water System Improvement, the increase of phosphate chemical supply totaling $817.00. Carried
Motion by Turner and seconded by Andres to approve Change Order No. 8 for the 2017 Water System Improvement, the increase of $8,856.00, which included the addition of a Generator Run Signal SCP, Well No. 2 weather head repairs, Starter for the Blower, and Relocating the Water Tower SCP communication device. With the exception that Widseth Smith Nolting & Associates, Inc. determine if the starter should have already been included in the contract price, if so Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. will draft a change order reversing the charge. Carried
Matt wanted council consent to move forward on hiring a seasonal employee at or near minimum wage to paint the natural gas meters and piping on all of the services this summer. Council agreed to go forward with the hiring of a seasonal employee.
Planning & Zoning permits: Approve the following permit(s) as approved by the Planning and Zoning committee:
Motion by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve building permit for James Wiherski 109 W 4th street to build a 20’x17’ wood deck on the south side of his house. Carried
Motion by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve building permit for Roger Pietron 249 White Oak Drive for adding a 24’x38’ lean to on the north side of his existing building. Carried
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Matt informed the council that he’s starting to look ahead to the road repair projects for this summer. One project will be repairing pavement on Atlantic Avenue and the others will be repairing the multiple manholes and filling potholes throughout the city. Most of city equipment is ready for the spring and summer season with the exception of the Tractor it having mechanical problems in the transmission and Matt is still waiting to hear back from the dealership to schedule repairs. Council feels that once the tractor is repaired we should consider trading it for a different model.
Day of Caring will be May 9, 2018 instead of the original date of May 2, 2018 due to the current weather conditions.
May 25, 2018 will be Jessica Babcock’s last day at the Randall Liquor Store. Kendra the other permanent part time employee was offered a full time position at the Randall Liquor Store. We will also be seeking additional part-time staff.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Pat has been busy with snow removal. He just attended the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS) Conference and is now preparing for the installation of the electric, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), meters. MN Power will begin and complete installation the week of April 30. This will most likely delay the next utility bill by a few days. Matt and Mike will also be assisting on the project.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Mike has been helping Pat with snow removal, busy working at the Water Treatment Plant and maintaining normal daily duties.
Police Department Report – Chief Strack: March had 29 reported incidents and has been another very busy month.
Council Member’s concerns:
Charley – Nothing at this time Rick – Nothing at this time Jim – Not present Mayor Noss – Nothing at this time
Jerry – Just wanted to make sure he gets an update about the city tractor.
Next meeting: Special council meeting Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Randall fire hall. Next Regularly scheduled city council meeting 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room May 16, 2018.
Adjourned at 8:52 p.m.