September 20, 2017
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba present.
Council accepted the minutes of the regular meeting August 16, 2017 as presented.
Motioned by Andres and seconded by Adamski to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Guest(s): None at this time.
Public Comment and Concern: Resident David Dalquist present for the regularly scheduled meeting to discuss his concerns for the electric utility increase effective August 2017. Mr. Dalquist feels he did not have the opportunity to voice his concerns. The council did inform Mr. Dalquist that on August 9, 2017 there was a public hearing to discuss the Enterprise Funds. The electric fund is one of the cities enterprise funds.
Donations: None at this time.
Old Business: Matt informed the council that the Water Treatment Plant will start construction October 2, 2017. Rice Lake Construction will start by demolishing the existing well house and seal the old well. The Rice Lake Construction Group is a very safety oriented company and if any of us wish to be on site at any time during the construction, we will need to complete a safety awareness training and wear, steel toe boots, reflective clothing and hard hat.
Matt has reviewed the current city equipment as mentioned in the August meeting. He has received two quotes for the purchase of a skid loader with attachments and option of trading in the city trencher. The first quote is from Long Prairie Machinery for a Bobcat skid loader with attachments $32,077.40. The second quote was from Midwest Machinery in Little Falls for a John Deere skid loader with same attachments $34,750.00 The difference between the two skid loaders is $2,672.60. Council discussed the differences and similarities.
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to purchase the John Deere skid loader with attachments from Midwest Machinery for $34,750.00. Carried with Noss, Turner and Adamski Yes. Andres and Chyba No.
On September 12, 2017 the City Manager, Matt, Council Members, Jerry Adamski, Jim Chyba and Mayor Dan Noss interviewed four candidates for the Liquor Store Manager position. The position was offered to Kimberly Moffitt and she accepted at Salary Step #5 and starting October 3, 2017.
New Business:
The 2018 preliminary tax levy needs to be reviewed and set. The current levy is $155,000. The final 2018 tax levy will be decided at the December 2017 meeting. A final decision to decrease the levy is allowed, a decision to increase the levy in December is not.
Motioned by Andres and seconded by Adamski to set the 2018 preliminary tax levy at an increase of 5%, $162,750. Carried
The utility late fees procedures have not been reviewed since Matt has been City Manager. He wanted to get the opinion of the council if this is worth reviewing. Currently, commercial accounts, residents on budget billing and residents on the current yearly cold weather rule agreements are not being billed late fees. The current rate is 10% of the utility bill when paid after the 10th of the month. Should the late fees be left at the current rate and applied to the same customers? The council agreed at this time to leave it at the current rate and applied to the same customers until we can review what the other surrounding cities do and see if we are comparable.
Matt wanted to make the council aware that with the new home construction at 105 E Minnesota Avenue. There are now two properties on E Minnesota Avenue that are in Darling Township with property taxes paid to Darling Township. Both properties are receiving Natural Gas, Electric, Water and Garbage services as well as city streets providing access to the property. Matt would like to start the review of annexing this property to the City of Randall.
Planning & Zoning permits: There were no permits to be approved for September.
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store: As mentioned, Kim Moffitt accepted the Randall Liquor Store Manager position and will start October 2, 2017. There is a broken water line at the Innsbrook Motel and RV Park this week. This is the owner’s responsibility to repair because it is on his property. The city will be repairing the curb stop valve that is servicing the property. It was also discovered that the RV Park was receiving water that has been unmetered. When the city repairs the curb stop valve, the city will also install a meter for the water at the RV Park if possible. The new construction has started on the RMS Energy building at the corner of US Highway 10 and County Road 14. The 105 E Minnesota Avenue property will be connected to city utilities soon. Also there will be new owner of the hair salon in Randall. The new owner is currently remodeling and hopes to open in October. Petro Plus gas station will be changing over to Casey’s General Store soon.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Pat was supposed to have onsite training but with the recent storms in the southern part of the country, the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association trainers were called to assist in utility repairs. So Pat was asked to join Brainerd Public Utilities and intern with them for two days.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Mike has been assisting with the repairs as mentioned above and upcoming construction projects.
Police Department Report – Chief Strack: Chuck just wanted to let the council know that the juveniles involved the incident at Highway 115 and the Little Elk River will make full recoveries. Four of the nineteen abandon cars in Randall have been re-registered.
Council Member’s concerns:
Charley – Nothing at this time Rick – Nothing at this time Jim – Nothing at this time
Jerry – What’s the status of completing the shouldering work on Superior Avenue between Evans Implement and Petro Plus? This not completed yet, but will be soon.
Mayor Noss – The new Woolen Mill and Old Creamery Quilt Shop will be having an open house this weekend. He also wanted to discuss the review of medical pay that the full time staff receives. This will be reviewed at the same time as the budget review.
Next meeting: Regularly scheduled city council meeting Wednesday October 18, 2017 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room. Meeting was suspended at 8:55 p.m. for a closed meeting to follow the regular public meeting.