November 15, 2017

Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, with Clerk Jerry Adamski, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba present. Not present Mayor Dan Noss.


Council accepted the minutes of the regular meeting on October 18, 2017 as presented.


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Guest(s): None

Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.


Donations: None at this time.

Old Business: Reminder Truth in Taxation is set for 6:30 p.m. December 20, 2017 at the Fire Hall meeting room before the regular council meeting at 7 p.m.

New Business:

Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve the Contractor’s Application For Payment No. 2 for the 2017 Water System Improvement in the amount of $138,823.98. Carried


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve the Change Order No. 2 for the 2017 Water System Improvement which is to upgrade the glass on the exterior windows from annealed over laminated to tempered over laminated resulting in an additional cost of $265.000 for the City of Randall. Carried


Motioned by Andres and seconded by Adamski to approve the following 2018 licenses as presented: On-sale and Sunday liquor license for the Randall VFW Post 9073; 3.2 off-sale beer license for Casey General Store; and cigarette licenses for Gosch’s Store and Casey General Store; Strong on-sale beer and wine on-sale license for Roger Pietron, Alaskan Fish and 3.2 on-sale beer and wine on-sale license for The Rail-Line Grill. Carried


Matt will be in contact with Mayor Noss to set Budget Committee meeting.


Council set Wednesday December 13, 2017 at 9 a.m. at the fire hall meeting room for the 2018 budget, salary and employee review.


Matt would like to review and update City Fee Schedule. There are a variety of services the city is providing and not charging and thinks this should be updated for the council to approve in December. Turner volunteered and will meet with Matt Tuesday November 28, 2017 to review and update the Fee Schedule.


Planning & Zoning permits: There was one permit as follows approved by the Planning and Zoning committee:

  1. Al Voges: To enclose his Handicap ramp and entry with vinyl siding, 4’x22’, Motion by Jacobson and seconded by Venske. Motion carried

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve the above permit approved by the Planning and Zoning committee. Carried

Matt and council member Turner brought to rest of the council’s attention that Bill Johnson has sold his home and will be moving out of Randall. December will be his last Planning and Zoning committee meeting. At the Planning Zoning meeting Monday November 13, 2017 the committee discussed the purpose of continuing. At this point Matt thinks that the committee is a duplication process for reviewing and approving permits. The purpose for the committee today has changed since the original committee was created. The original committee was created for the growth of Randall. These projects were Eagle Court Senior Apartments, the Little Elk Development, the Brummer addition and Randall Lakes Area Clinic. At this point the council could act as the planning commission and review and approve building permits during the regular council meetings. This would save the city up to $1,800.00 annually. City council will discuss this further at the budget meeting.


Committee Reports:  

City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Year-end inventory will be taking place January 2, 2018. We will start early and have the liquor store closed until noon. Matt was planning to discontinue Sunday liquor after the first of the year. Council said to continue after January 1, 2018 and see how it goes. If sales start to slow down, then it can be reviewed at that point.

Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Pat will be at his second session of MMUA School, from December 12 to December 15, 2017. The new electric meters should be in late January.

Water and Sewer – Mike: The water tower is starting to really show its age and needs painting. Matt said that there would be enough funds in the general checking account to get this project done in 2018. This project would be painting just the outside of the water tower. The inside of the water tower was inspected two years and is in good condition. Another project for the city is replacing the water and sewer system from 1968. Matt is preparing maps of the city with the water and sewer system so that the council members can see and start planning for years to come.

Police Department Report – Chief Strack: Chief Strack informed the council that Officer Mitch Tavares had given his notice of resignation. He will be working until the end of 2017.

Council Member’s concerns:

Charley – Nothing at this time

Rick – What is the status of the skid-loader? Matt spoke with Midwest Machinery and the attachments will be in late November but the skid-load won’t be ready until after the first of the year. They will loan us a skid-load to use until ours is available.

Jerry – Nothing at this time

Jim – Nothing at this time

Mayor Noss – Not present.

Next meeting: Truth in Taxation for 2018 special meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday December 20, 2017 and regularly scheduled city council meeting 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room. Adjournment at 7:49 p.m.