January 18, 2017
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with all council members present. Jim Chyba also present as the newest council member.
Mayor Riitters opened the meeting and introduced incoming Mayor Dan Noss. All new council members took the Oath of Office for new term effective January 1, 2017, Mayor Dan Noss and council members James Chyba and re-elected Rick Turner.
Council accepted the minutes of the council meeting December 21, 2016 as presented.
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Guests: Mindy Chyba and Sandy Noss
Public Comment & Concern: None at this time.
Donations: None at this time.
Old Business: The city Well 1 will be the future site for the water plant. A few tests had been taken this last week and they tested a little higher in nitrates than anticipated but are lower in manganese and iron. City staff will meet with Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. to decide the next steps.
New Business: Schlenner Wenner & Co. will be here January 23 and January 24 for the 2016 Audit. The audit is expected to be presented at the March 15, 2017 regularly scheduled city council meeting.
Mayor Noss had reviewed the City of Randall Appointments prior to city council meeting and the following updates were made. Community Services – Dan Noss, Liquor Board – Jim Chyba, Rick Turner, Personnel Board – Jerry Adamski, Dan Noss, Police Commission – Jerry Adamski, Jim Chyba, Weed Inspectors – Jerry Adamski, Jim Chyba, Deputy Weed Inspectors – Patrick Kalis.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Adamski to accept the updated to the city appointments for 2017 as presented. Carried
Mayor Noss would like to see a committee created for economic development, with two council members, two businesses and two residents. He would like for this committee to meet 3-4 times annually with the first one starting in March.
Planning & Zoning permits: There were no new permits to approve at the January 9, 2017 meeting. Matt did talk to Ruth Loberg, the land owner, after December council meeting to discuss the stipulations that were added to the permit. She does agree with the stipulations but would like to be present at the February Planning & Zoning meeting to talk about the time table listed in the December council meeting.
Delinquent utility accounts: Matt informed the council that the City of Randall is signed up with the State of Minnesota’s Revenue Recovery program, which won’t be active until closer to March. This program will help recoup payments from accounts that have not paid in the allotted timeframe or have left Randall and did not give the city notice. The main information that this program uses is the residents’ Social Security Numbers. In order to get this information the city would need to update the New Resident Information form to include SSN. The collection and security of keeping the personal identification information will require the city to keep it in a secure location.
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Turner to obtain new residents’ SSN on an updated New Resident Information form and to keep the personal identification information secure in a locked cabinet. Carried
Council member Chyba asked why the city doesn’t have the Randall Police Department delivering the disconnect notices instead of the city staff. Matt had explained that after reviewing the monthly delinquent utility accounts, most of the accounts he feels they are very approachable and payments are made with simple follow-up phone calls. There are only a few accounts that may require assistance from the police department. All council members agreed that city manager use the Randall Police Department as he sees he needs to with delinquent utility accounts.
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Year-End Liquor Store auditor was January 2, 2017 and it went really good. As mentioned in December, a new credit card machines for the off sale is coming January 25. Also last week the TV went out and was replaced.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Wendell: The tractor has been out since December 23 and still not back. We just received a loaner tractor until the city tractor can be returned. Patrick Kalis did officially start working for the city January 9, 2017.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Patrick will be training with Mike at the sewer plant in the upcoming weeks.
Police Department Report – Chief Strack: Matt said he’s been hearing nothing but good feedback for the Police Officer Mitchell Tavares and his additional police presence. Matt informed the council that Chief Strack has included a monthly incident report through Morrison County. Council members were asking to see if the employee reports could show Officer Mitchell Tavares report too.
Council Member’s concerns:
Rick – None at this time Charley – No present Jerry – None at this time
Jim – wants to know if the Record reports the police incident report and yes the Record does. Jim asked if we could just have the total for Randall reported with the city council updates, and yes they could do that. December was 23.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday February 15, 2017 7pm at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting room.