June 15, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

The minutes of the council meeting on May 18, 2016 were approved as presented.

Motioned by Andres and seconded by Noss to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried

Donations: None at this time.

Guests: None at this time.  

Public Comment & Concern: Brian Steffen, resident, to follow up with any chicken ordinance updates.

Old Business: Matt gave and update on the chicken ordinance. At this time there are just several discussions and ideas for the ordinance, after meeting separately with council member Adamski and Noss. A draft ordinance will be prepared and presented for next city council meeting.

The Adamek Family wants to donate a portion land to the city of Randall on the south side of Pine View Drive. Cathy Adamek agreed to put a twenty (20) year restriction for new construction. Matt has taken this to city attorney and they will be drafting a deed for property.

There will be a meeting with the Minnesota Department of Health and Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc. to figure out the next steps for well project.

Matt spoke with Sheila Funk, Drug Free Communities Grant Project Coordinator, about the Social Host Ordinance. Mayor Riitters had talked to Matt about asking the committee if they would be willing to accept a proclamation instead of creating and adopting a Social Host Ordinance for the city of Randall. Sheila Funk will be contacting Matt with an update.

ATA, All Things Asphalt, gave the city two options for crack filling the streets. The first option is to rout and seal at a cost of $1.42 per pound using between 7,000 to 9,000 pounds of sealant. The second option is to clean and seal which is also at $1.42 per pound but using only 4,000 to 7,000 pounds of sealant. The difference between the two is routing and sealing typically last much longer.

Motioned by Turner to use the rout and seal at a cost of $1.42 per pound using 9,000 pounds of sealant and seconded by Noss. Carried

New Business: Morrison County has prepared county All-Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is an update from the existing plan from 2012. As a city within Morrison County, the county is asking all cities to adopt the updated plan to cover any changes that have happened from 2012 to 2015.

Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to adopt Morrison County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Carried

Planning & Zoning permits: Motioned by Andres and seconded by Noss to approve three building permits as approved by the Planning & Zoning committee 1. Al Voges wants to put a 15’ long wood ramp, replacing the steps, on north side of the deck. 2. Graham Gustafson wants a 7 x 7 plastic resin storage shed 3. Kenneth Warzecha, owner of Innsbrook Motel, wants to install vinyl siding. Carried

 Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt informed the council about the 4th of July. Jody is making an informational poster with activities and events. Matt has also been in contact with the 4th of July committee with considering letting a company that provides concessions and rides come to the celebration July 3 & 4. Matt informed the 4th of July Committee that he would bring the information the city council and let the council discuss the option. City council felt it was best to offer rides and games but no concessions. However, it is up to the 4th of July Committee to coordinate the event.

Water and Sewer – Mike: nothing at this time.

Police Department Report – Chief Strack: nothing at this time.

Maintenance Sup. Report – Wendell: Busy with mowing & trimming.

Council Member’s concerns:

Rick – None at this time                 Charley – None at this time                          Dan – None at this time

Jerry – was inquiring about the new furnace for the preliminary room at the sewer plant. Installation will be late August or September.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday July 20, 2016 7pm at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting room.