May 16, 2018
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss, with all members present Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba.
Council accepted the minutes of the April 18, 2018 and special meeting May 15, 2018 as presented.
Motion by Andres and seconded by Chyba to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Guest(s): None at this time.
Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.
Donations: Motion by Adamski and seconded by Turner to accept an additional donation of $250.00 on behalf of the Randall Area Business Group for use of city signs for 2018. Carried
Old Business:
Matt explained the status of the Randall Water Project. At this point the water treatment plant has gone through a test period and filled with water tower once so far. The water plant was designed for a flow rate of 125 gallons per minute. However the well is actually pumping at rate of 171 gallons per minute. In order to make this correction a variable frequency drive, or VFD, needs to be added to the well pump or a smaller well pump needs to be installed. The VFD is an independent part that is a commonly used to help adjust the flow rate as needed and cost less than installing a smaller well pump. A VFD will allow the well to pump at 125 GPM or it can be turned up to pump up to 170 GPM if need be. Once a decision is made to approve Change Order No. 9 for the 2017 Water System Improvement, at the increase of $3,178.00, the VFD will be ordered and installed and the water treatment project will be finalized and become operational.
Motion by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve Change Order No. 9 for the 2017 Water System Improvement, the increase of $3,178.00 to install a VFD to the well pump to adjust the flow rate. Carried
A special public meeting about the Randall Police Department and the possibility of disbanding and contracting with the county took place on Tuesday May 15, 2018 at the Randall Bingo Park Community Center. There were a total of 30 guests at the meeting to include 19 of Randall’s 650 residents, 2 nonresidents, and owners from 2 businesses, along with Sheriff Larsen, Deputy Worlie, Officer Strack, and Julie Zupko from Randall State Insurance, County Commissioner Mike LeMieur, and Tyler Jensen Morrison County Record. Morrison County Sheriff Shawn Larsen stated that the contract included 30 hours on average per month of coverage in the city of Randall at $60 per hour. The city would continue to pay the $200 per month administrative fee to cover any work being done by the clerical staff. This would bring the annual cost to $24,000 per year. He said they would do the best they could to patrol Randall, but some of those hours would probably be between 2 and 4 am. Of the 19 residents, 8 made comments along with comments from the business owners.
Before going further with the Randall Police Department discussion, Mayor Noss wanted to clarify the codification process of the common statues and ordinances that needed to get completed for the Chief Strack to be able to write tickets. There seemed to be a miscommunication between the Chief and City. Mayor Noss and City Manager thought that County would codify everything and Chief Strack thought that the Law Enforcement Technology Group would be codifying. Chief Strack apologized for the misunderstanding and will get this taken care of.
Councilmen Chyba stated that the council should move forward with inactivating Randall Police Department and contracting with Morrison County Sheriff. Councilmen Turner expressed the concern that the county would not be as available as Randall wants. Why don’t we look at hiring a part time officer again? Turner would like to see the Randall keep the Police Department. Mayor Noss clarified that if Randall were to contract with the Morrison County Sheriff, the contacted hours would include what is requested as much as possible, but more importantly a direct response when needed for emergency and non-emergency incidents. Both Councilmen Turner and Chief Strack think that most of the recent incidents happening to the area businesses started a year ago with the juvenile theft and vandalism. The response time and the availability of Chief Strack is still the problem. Chief Strack stated that when he can get here to response to the incidents he may not be visible in the Randall squad car because it takes too much time away from the incidents. Deputy Mayor Andres stated that it is not that you can’t perform your responsibilities; it’s the availability to do it. You can only work so many hours and live so many hours in any time frame. Mayor Noss suggested that if the council decides to keep the police department that the employment terms between Chief Strack and the City of Randall will need to be reviewed and adjusted to agreed schedule and responsibilities. Matt did find POST board, that if Randall did decide to dissolve the police department or become inactive, Randall can re-start or active its own police department at any future time.
Motion by Chyba and seconded by Andres to inactive the Randall Police Department effective May 31, 2018 and accept the contract with Morrison County Sheriff effective June 1, 2018. Discussion was made by Turner expressing that the council does not have enough information to make the decision to inactive the Randall Police Department. A Randall resident present express the concern same as Turner. Adamski also expressed his concern for change and stated that the contract with the county could be what is needed at this point in time. Motion carried with 4 in favor and Turner against. After the vote Mayor Noss asked Officer Strack to complete any necessary tasks and help with the transition. Strack then resigned effective immediately. He was asked about any open cases and any evidence, he responded that Matt can take care of it. Turner thanked him for his service.
Matt received a proposal for purchase from Terry Roach for the 4 lots plus an addition portion of a lot that the city owns. The purchase price is $30,000.00. The parcel numbers are as follows: 430322041, 430322042, 430322043, 430322044 and a portion of 430322046. At the last Planning & Zoning meeting the committee discussed that parcel 430322044 and 430322045 would have to get property lines corrected for future owner. The current owner of 430322045 has a garage built on the current property line. If the city goes through with the sale then a quick claim will need to be done to the city property to allow the proper set-backs. Terry Roach plans to build (2) homes and (2) duplexes.
Motion by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve the sale of the city owned 4 lots plus an addition portion of a lot parcel numbers are as follows: 430322041, 430322042, 430322043, 430322044 and 430322046 for the purchase price is $30,000.00 to Terry Roach. Carried
Matt wanted to inform council that the tractor got picked up by the dealership the next day after the last regular council meeting. The dealer found the problems in the transmission and ordered all the necessary parts once it was literally taken all apart. Once the parts are in they will replace, reassemble and return the tractor. Chyba asked if these repairs were covered under the warranty and yes they will be.
New Business:
Mayor Noss brought two resolutions to explain to council and get approval. The first Resolution 05162018-01 Supporting Local Decision-Making Authority. This resolution has been passed by City of Little Falls and Royalton. This is basically stating that the city have the final say to specific laws because it is specific to the city and not to the state.
Motion by Andres and seconded by Chyba to approve Resolution 05162018-01 Supporting Local Decision-Making Authority. Carried
The second Resolution 05162018-02 Regarding the administration of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991. This resolution would delegate to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, Morrison Soil and Water Conservation District the areas in Randall that may be considered by Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991.
Motion by Noss and no second to approve Resolution 05162018-02. Motion failed
Mayor Noss will request more information on Resolution 05162018-02 Regarding the administration of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act for next regular council meeting June 20, 2018.
Planning & Zoning permits: Approve the following permit(s) as approved by the Planning and Zoning committee:
Motion by Adamski and seconded Andres to approve building permit for CoHo Properties to build a 60’ X 128’ shop on 201 1st Street. Carried
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: There was a curb stop repaired on Oak Drive, another on E 6th Street that will be fixed soon and a culvert was replaced on Parkview Drive. New electric meters are all installed except 4 that had the old A based meter sockets and can’t be fixed. Matt did reach out to these residents with the old meter sockets and offered to pay for a new socket at the fee of $40.00 but they would have to get the electrician to do the installation. These would be meters that would need to be read every month if not repaired. We are also getting ready for Memorial Day coming up, the staff will be busy getting the cemetery mowed and trimmed. Also next week, the utility billing Software Company will be installing the program needed we can import the electric meter reading that we will be receiving from Minnesota Power.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Patrick is attending underground school for his Electrical Training and should be back on Friday. The Plow Truck started having problems this winter when shifting into reverse. Mike found out that if we get it fixed now instead of later to prevent more problems. The estimated cost would be that of a total transmission repair $2,800 - $3000.00. Another upcoming project will be filling in the various pot holes, and patching pavement. Matt will be in contact with Tri-City Paving to get that arranged.
Water and Sewer – Mike: Just waiting to repair the curb stops and keep up maintaining normal daily duties.
Council Member’s concerns:
Charley – Nothing at this time Rick – Nothing at this time Jim – Nothing at this time
Mayor Noss – When the Water Treatment Plant is ready to and operational would like to see a Grand Opening.
Jerry – Just wants to make sure that the Randall Police Commission stays informed of the concerns of the residents in the coming weeks.
Next meeting: Next Regularly scheduled city council meeting 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room June 20, 2018.
Adjourned at 8:32 p.m.