March 15, 2017

Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with Mayor Dan Noss, Clerk Jerry Adamski, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba present. Deputy Mayor Charley Andres not present.


Council accepted the minutes of the council meeting February 15, 2017 as presented.


Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Guest(s): None at this time


Public Comment & Concern: None at this time



The City of Randall received a thank you from Green Prairie Darling Township Park for the annual donation. The 2016 donations received went the general maintenance and repairs of the park. All 2017 donations would go to the same purpose.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve Green Prairie Darling Township Park donation of $500.00 for 2017. Carried


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to accept donation of $1,300.00 on behalf of the Randall Area Business Group for use of city signs for 2017.


Old Business:

Matt wanted to remind city council the Board of Equalization will be Friday, April 21, 2017 at the Randall Fire Hall meeting room at 10 a.m. Mayor Noss, Clerk Adamski and Deputy Mayor Andres will be present.

New Business:

Brian Williams present to ask the city council a formal request to have a 3.2 beer and wine license for Rail-Line Grill.

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Chyba to approve a 3.2 beer and wine license for Rail-Line Grill. Carried


Matt informed the council about the requirements for MNOPS, Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety. Twice a year the city has to send out brochures informing the residents about natural gas. The city also has to conduct a survey. The last few years this has been included with the brochure and asked to return to city. This method of the survey is now considered not compliant with MNOPS, Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety requirements. This will need to more standardized, like the drug and alcohol plan that the City of Randall adopted last year with the American Public Gas Association, as advised from MNOPS. Now American Public Gas Association, APGA, has a Public awareness survey that will replace the survey the city conducted and this meets the requirements for having the natural gas utility. Matt will be taking the necessary steps to complete the requirements.


Planning & Zoning permits: None at this time


Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store:

Matt wanted inform the council a resident came in to city hall with concerns about painting strips on Superior Avenue between Evan’s Implement & OK Tire. Would this be a project to consider? After discussion, council members agreed that there were other streets in city limits that are worse and in far more need of repair.

The rebate program had a good turnout. The city purchased LED light bulbs, energy efficient shower heads and filters for faucets. There are only about a 12 light bulbs left.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Noss to replace the siding at Bingo Park Building with Randall Roofing for $1180.00. Carried


The council needs to make a decision about Sunday Liquor sales. Matt advised that the Liquor Board, council members Turner and Chyba should meet first. After meeting then bring the information to rest of the council to vote on.


Maintenance Supervisor Report – Wendell: Patrick has completed all of the natural gas tests. The last part to be completely certified in natural gas, Pat will have to perform and complete a full gas installation. The installation will be in April. Matt has also been in contact with MMUA about a lineman training program that Pat could take to get certified in the electric utility. This will allow Pat to be able to complete service work that Minnesota Power does not need to be here for.


Water and Sewer – Mike: The wastewater treatment plant had one of the two samplers quit working. This machine gathers the water before and after creates samples for required testing. This needs to be replaced. An estimated cost to replace one is $5,000.00.


Motioned by Turner and seconded by Chyba to make a purchase of up to $5,500.00 for a new sampler for the wastewater treatment plant. Carried


Police Department Report – Chuck: Nothing to report at this time


Council Member’s concerns:

Charley – not present

Jerry A. – When was the last time the speed sign was changed? It has been on 1st Street (Co. 14) for about a month. Would it be better to have steel verses shingles on the Bingo Park building roof? Matt will set bids for both.


Dan – The Disc Golf course was originally part of the Vision Randal grant from the Initiative Foundation. Because this grant is done, would the city maintenance department be able to take care of the course? Yes this could be part of the park maintenance. Also Dan received a thank you from Little Falls Community Services for the donation of $4,100 for the after school activities programs in Randall.


Jim – What is happening with the 4th of July Celebration this year? Matt has actually made contact with the committee members and planning has started and Matt will update council when he knows more. What is the status of the commercial property that was for sale with potential buyers? No progress at this point, buyer is still interested.


Rick –wants to know the status of a commercial property that is owned by a sign company on US Highway 10, built a sign for advertising. The sign company is just waiting for an advertiser to purchase the space.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday April 19, 2017 7pm at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting room.