November 21, 2018

Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss, all members present, Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council member Jim Chyba present and council member Rick Turner.


Council accepted the minutes of the October 17, 2018 meeting with one correction, Howard Kazeck’s induction to the “Softball Hall of Fame” and not the “Baseball Hall of Fame”.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Andres to approve the payment of the bills. Carried


Guest(s): Jan Wozniak, Coordinator of the Darling Thunderbird 4-H Group and Jeff Wright


Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.


Donations: Randall City Council was presented and accepted a $200 donation from the Darling Thunderbirds 4-H Group for the new carpet at the Randall Bingo Park building.


Old Business:

The budget committee meeting will held the week of November 26th to review 2019 budget and make any necessary changes to the purposed budget. Matt will also try to schedule a meeting with the Utility Board and the Randall State Bank to discuss the unpaid utility bill from Gosch’s.


Council set Thursday December 6th, 8 a.m. at the Randall Fire Hall meeting room to discuss the 2019 budget, employee salaries and have the annual employee review.


Reminder the Truth and Taxation meeting is set for 7:00 pm on December 19, 2018 at the Randall Fire Hall meeting room.

New Business:

City council accepted the 2018 City of Randall election results: for Mayor of Randall, Danny L. Noss, with 175. Council Members of Randall with two being elected: Jeffrey Wright, with 137, Gerald Adamski, with 94, Jennifer Ann Peterschick-Hand, with 88 and Brian Zilka, with 68.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve the following 2019 licenses as presented: On-sale and Sunday liquor license for the Randall VFW Post 9073; cigarette licenses for Casey General Store; and 3.2 on-sale beer and wine on-sale license for The Rail-Line Grill. Carried


Motion by Andres and seconded by Chyba to approve the Randall Liquor Store to stay open Monday December 31st  for the New Year’s Eve celebration, until 1 a.m. Carried


Rice Lake Construction has submitted their final payment request for the Water Treatment project. The Plant if operating fine at this point with the only change needed at this point is to change the backwash cycle from a time based intervals to a per gallon interval. Mike backwashes every other day at this point, switching to a per gallon interval would cycle the backwash every 100,000 gallons which will help maintain consistent water quality and lower operating cost. Widseth, Smith and Nolting have recommended final payment of the project and stated the one year warranty period will begin at the acceptance of this pay request.


Motion Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve Payment Application No. 10, the final payment, for the Randall Water System in the amount of $22,901.19. Carried

Motion by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve purchase of snow tires for the skid-loader for $1,175 from OK Tire & Bait. Carried


18 new bar stools have been ordered for the Randall Liquor Store and Matt wanted to get council approval to sell the extra unused tables, chairs and older bar stools. There have been requests from customers to purchase them when we get the new stools in. Motion Adamski and seconded by Turner to approve selling of any surplus chairs and tables at the Liquor Store. Carried


Planning & Zoning permits: Approve the following permit(s) as approved by the Planning and Zoning committee:

None at this time


Committee Reports:  

City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Matt was contacted by Morrison County regarding the 3 HWY 10 crossings in Randall; they would like to begin discussion on possible safety enhancements at each of the HWY crossings. Mayor Noss, councilmen Turner and Chyba volunteered to participate in the discussions.


Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: Pat will be attending lineman school the week of December 10th. Matt is working on the 2019 budget. We are including funds for an additional employee next year to help with lawn mowing the city property.


Water and Sewer – Mike: Busy maintaining both water and sewer plants and everything seems to running as should be.


Council Member’s concerns:

Charley – None

Mayor Noss – Thank you Charley for your service. Also a resident of Randall informed him that he can tell a difference in water quality with the new water treatment plant and wanted to inform the city.

Jim – Same, Thank you for your service to Randall City Council

Rick – Thank you Council member Charley for twelve years of service

Jerry – Thank you Charley for your service and welcome to the new councilmen as of 2019 Jeff Wright. He would also like to thank the residents for reelecting him for another term.


Next meeting: Next scheduled city council meeting will be special meeting December 6th at 8 a.m. to discuss, 2019 budget, employee salaries and have the annual employee review. The next will be December 19, 2018 at 7:00pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room to hold the Truth in Taxation and regularly council meeting to follow.


Adjourned at 7:53 p.m.