July 18, 2018

Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Dan Noss, with all members present Clerk Jerry Adamski, Deputy Mayor Charley Andres, council members Rick Turner and Jim Chyba.


Special Public Hearing was called to order following the Pledge to the Flag and Roll call of council members.


Guests: Christopher Virta, Fryberger Buchanan Smith & Frederick PA and Carol Raw, President/CEO of St. Francis Health Services were present to answer questions and explain the reasoning for Public Hearing for a Conduit Bond. This Public Hearing for a Conduit Bond is federally required. If there are any concerns the questions can be answered at the hearing.


Every year each city in Minnesota can bond up to $10M financing to help with city projects. The St. Francis Health Services Project, located in Little Falls is asking the City of Randall to become a bond issuer to this project. The City of Randall is not held responsible for payment to the bond. The City of Randall and the City of Royalton have both asked to be a Conduit Bond Issuer for additional financial help. The City of Little Falls is not contributing as a Conduit Bond Issuer due to the fact that they are using their bonds to cover their own projects. This Conduit Bond will give St. Francis Health Services a better financial opportunity than using traditional financing options.


There were no further questions or concerns.


Motion by Andres and seconded by Adamski to approve Resolution 07182018; Resolution Approving, on a Preliminary Basis, Financing for a project of St. Francis Health Services, Inc. Carried


Mayor Noss closed the Public Hearing at 7:15p.m.


Mayor Noss called Regular city council meeting to order at 7:15p.m.


Mayor Noss gave a summary of the closed meeting June 20, 2018 following the regularly schedule council meeting. Prior to the meeting, City Administrative Assistant, Jody Lausen was made aware of the cost incurred through the five years she’s worked for the City of Randall. These additional costs were primarily to correct reconciliation errors discovered during the audit process, performed by the city’s auditor, Schlenner Wenner & Co. The decision of the city council was to have Schlenner Wenner & Co. come in and work with Jody to make appropriate corrections and make sure the reconciliation errors stop happening. This will take place over the next couple of months at a cost of approximately $2500.


Council accepted the minutes of the June 20, 2018 as presented.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Guest(s): None at the regular council meeting starting at 7:15p.m.


Public Comment and Concern: None at this time.



The City of Randall has received multiple donations on behalf of the city and the 4th of July Celebration.


Motion by Andres and seconded Turner to accept a donation of $250 from Minnesota Power for the 4th of July City Celebration, a donation from the Randall Cushing Area Lions Club of $3,500 for 4th of July Celebration and carpet for the Bingo Park Building, a donation of $100 from Four Cheeks Foods, and a donation of $100 from the Dunk Tank, provided from Mayor Noss. Carried


Old Business:

Matt explained the status of the Randall Water Project. There are just a few minor items to complete including touch up paint on the tanks and a final visit from Tonka Water to make sure everything is running properly. The Change Order No. 10 to install a bigger valve to the Chlorine Pump was completed. Grass seed has also been laid around the plant and is coming up. There is Contractor’s Application for Partial Payment No. 9 for services through 7/13/2018 for $46,553.58. This is 3% of the total 5% retainage fee. The final payment will be the balance of 2% at $22,901.19 that will be paid out after the city is satisfied with all the work and project completed.


Mayor Noss, Deputy Mayor Andres and City Manager met following June council meeting to discuss the late fee policy and brought their recommendations. Matt informed the rest of the council that there will be no changes to the late fee policy. The concerns that do arise will be handled on an individual customer basis. The committee also discussed the Dr. SG Knight Elementary School interruptible Natural Gas account, the service fee and gas margin will also stay the same.

New Business:

Mayor Noss present the council with a Memorandum of Understanding Minnesota Army National Guard, Camp Ripley (CRTC) and Supporting Entities of Camp Ripley Veterans State Trail (CRVST) Partnership. Mayor Noss along with other residents and communities have been part of this project. The purpose of the project is to connect all other existing multi-purpose, bicycle, motorcycle, ATV trails and networks together. These trails include Central Lakes, Lake Wobegon, SOO Line, Paul Bunyan, Cuyuna Lakes, Heartland and MI-Gi-Zi. When completed the tail would be the largest in the nation. The, Memorandum of Understanding, MOU will allow the communities involved to continue forward with this project.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Chyba to approve MOU for the Veterans State Trail. Carried


The water project is, as mentioned in Old Business, nearing the end. The City of Randall has received Contractor’s Application for Partial Payment No. 9 for services through 7/13/2018 for $46,553.58. This is 3% of the total 5% retainage fee.


Motion by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve Contractor’s Application for Partial Payment No. 9 for services through 7/13/2018 for $46,553.58. Carried


The Randall Cushing Area Lions have requested a strong beer permit for both AugustFest on August 12, 2018 at St. James Catholic Church & August 18, 2018 for a Volleyball Tournament at Bingo Park.


Motion Andres and seconded by Turner to approve a strong beer permit for the Randall Cushing Area Lions for AugustFest at St. James Catholic Church and Volleyball Tournament at Bingo Park. Carried


Motion by Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve Election Judges 2018, they include Rob Bellin, Carol Saxton, Marie Drew, Jim Chandler, Mindy Chyba, Charlie Andres and Matt Pantzke. Carried


Reminder that for the 2018 Election, the following will need to file for Candidacy between July 31, 2018 to August 14, 2018, Mayor Noss, Deputy Mayor Andres and Clerk Adamski for re-election.

Matt has looked into the possibility for online payments. There is a third party vendor, PSN, Payment Service Network, that would give the city the option for utility bills to be paid online with a credit card or bank account. There are fees associated with this that the city would pass to the utility customers that would participate with this service. This company would have the ability to link up to our existing software. This would only be another payment option and not be mandatory that the utility customer use. The fees that the city would pay are a one-time set-up fee of $149.00 and $89.00 annual maintenance along with some additional set up fees from USTI.


Motion by Turner and seconded by Chyba to move forward with the online payment option with PSN, Payment Service Network. Carried


Matt has contacted CTC about adding a call forwarding feature to our city hall telephone. This option would be available for after hour calls. When the caller gets the voicemail, there will be options they can choice from after the greeting. The caller would hear, “For Electrically Emergency press number 1”, “For Water Emergency press number 2” and so on. So instead of listening for the phone number to call and then making another phone call, this call forwarding would connect the caller directly to the appropriate person in the case of emergency. This feature will cost an additional $10.00 a month.


Motion by Andres and seconded by Adamski add the call forwarding feature to the CTC phone service for $10.00 a month. Carried


The City of Randall cannot keep the MedReturn Station that sits at City Hall anymore because of the inactivation of the Police Department. Matt has been approached by the City of Motley to purchase it. This was purchased originally in 2013 for $695. The City of Motley approved to purchase the MedReturn Station from the City of Randall for the amount of $400.


Motion by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve the sale of the MedReturn Station to City of Motley for $400. Carried


Planning & Zoning permits: Approve the following permit(s) as approved by the Planning and Zoning committee:

  1. Wayne & Anita Mensen, 224 1st Street, to replace galvanized steel with colored steel on the garage.

Motion by Turner and seconded by Adamski to approve permit as listed above. Carried


Committee Reports:  

City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt: Busy with 4th of July and the preparation for the celebration. The celebration was a great success without any major issues and probably the highest sales for the liquor store that he has seen since he started working for the City of Randall. The liquor staff did amazing keeping up the customers. The carpet for the liquor store and Bingo Park Building will be completed in September or October. Kim has found a vendor that she will be looking at purchasing bar stools with, but will be trying them on before buying them. This is the biggest concern Matt said that he had with purchasing new bar stools. The right bar stool will keep a paying customer longer and they will be happier to stay and come back. The A/C unit in the Off Sale was also not working so Matt contacted Ballou Plumbing & Heating to come look at it. They found out that the openings were plugged up. They cleaned them out and so far the unit has been working properly.


Maintenance Supervisor Report – Patrick: busy mowing and tree trimming the city.


Water and Sewer – Mike: Mike has been getting more familiar with the water treatment plant and the equipment. Matt let the council know that Tri-State Coating was going to come July 1, 2018 to start painting the Water Tower and to install safety cable, lanyard and climbing harnesses. This was delayed due to the weather and they are planning to start the week of July 23rd.


Council Member’s concerns:

Charley –When will the debris from Shawn Jacobson house fire get cleaned up? Matt spoke with Shawn they are deciding if they will do the cleanup or hire a contractor to get it done. They did have to wait at least 30 days after the fire but no more than 60. Matt will contact Shawn’s father to complete the process.


Rick – What is the Plow Truck status? He had seen it at Little Falls Auto and Transmission. Yes it is being looked at because of the problems shifting.


Jim – Wanted to just give the volunteers of the 4th of July Committee a Thank You, for all they did.


Mayor Noss – Informed the council of the VFW Car Show on July 1, 2018. Even though it rained that morning, there were still 20 car entries and a good turnout.


Jerry – Is the city tractor is back? Yes it is and hasn’t really been used since its return but will be in the near future. Also with all the work that The Morrison County Sentence to Serve (STS) Program has done for the city he thinks that a thank you needs to go out to them. Matt will look getting a thank you put together.


Next meeting: Next Regularly scheduled city council meeting 7pm at Randall Fire Hall meeting room August 15, 2018.

Adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Jody Lausen,

City Recorder