May 18, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.

The minutes of the council meeting on April 20, 2016 were approved as presented.

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Noss to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried


Donations: Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve the donation of $1,600.00 on behalf of the Randall Area Business Group for use of city signs. Carried

Guests: None at this time.  


Public Comment & Concern: Various residents of Randall were present to express their concerns for allowing chickens within city limits.

Old Business: Mayor Riitters gave a summary of what he found out from attending mayors’ meeting in Royalton and from meeting with city attorney Peter Vogel. The city of Randall was advised to not make any variances to the existing ordinance, but instead to change the city ordinance at the cost of $600 to $800. There are many surrounding cities that have existing ordinances allowing chickens within city limits. At this point in time to move forward the city council will decide if changing the ordinance is in the city’s best interest.

Mayor Riitters opened the discussion to council members. Andres had several residents express the concerns of regulations that would be implemented if residents wanted to have chickens. Adamski wanted to make sure all stipulations and rules are set to an appropriate standard. Turner says that, as stated by Andres and Adamski, once the rules and regulations for the ordinance are appropriate and the chickens are properly taken care off, he sees no problem with accepting chickens in city limits. Noss is in favor of accepting an ordinance allowing chickens with the specific guidelines and standards as approved and mentioned by the other council members. After visiting with Brian and Tammy Steffen, both Mayor Riitters and Noss agree that their setup is appropriate for the time being. No others will be allowed until final ordinance is accepted by city council.

Motioned by Riitters and seconded by Noss to move forward to change the existing chicken ordinance. Carried

Matt had received a call from a local real estate agent Wyatt Cekalla that gave the city an estimated lot value of $10,000 each. If the council is interested would also list them for the city. As previously explained to the council, Matt informed them that there are interested parties in the four (4) lots the city owns in the Eagle Court section of the city. After discussion, city council with city manager, it would probably be worth trying to sell directly.

Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to put each lot for sale at the price of $12,000 each and to build within eighteen (18) months of purchasing and to follow all existing specifications of the development. Carried

New Business: The Adamek Family wants to donation a portion land to the city of Randall on the south side of Pine View Drive. Discussions tabled due to further questions about the property are answered.

Planning & Zoning permits: Motioned by Andres and seconded by Noss to approve one building permit as approved by Planning and Zoning for Guy Graham: To install a 12 x12 foot deck on the south side of his house. Carried


Committee Reports:

City Manager/Liquor Store – Matt informed the council that the annual natural gas inspection went good and in all areas of the inspection the city passed. On June 9, 2016, Minnesota Power is holding a meeting in Duluth and Matt will be attending as well as council member Andres. Adamski, Noss, Wendell and Matt drove around last week and reviewed all the roads in the city. Many of the newer roads would be okay with crack fill. After discussing the rest of the roads, Matt informed the council of the decision to fix the water and sewer would probably be the most beneficial before completing and further roads. The crack fill and minor repairs will sustain the roads as needed. Matt will bring the bids for repair and crack filling for repair to the next meeting.

Water and Sewer – Mike: The city received two estimates on a new furnace for the preliminary room at the sewer plant. The first estimate is from Ballou’s for $10,776 and the second is from Home Furnace for $11,295.

Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Andres to accept the bid from Ballou’s Plumbing & Heating for $10,776. Carried

 Department Report – Chuck: The squad car is here and Chief Strack wanted to send thank you cards to both the City of Savage for offering us the squad car at an earlier arrival date and City of Little Falls for helping during absence of a squad car on behalf of the City of Randall.

Maintenance Sup. Report – nothing at this time.

Council Member’s concerns:

Rick – wanted to make sure the mowing is kept up within city limits.                           Charley – None at this time

Dan – wanted city council approval on a beer permit for July 3rd and 4th. He also would like to get approval for the 3rd annual car show sponsored by Randall VFW and to have the parking area across the VFW down to the Randall Liquor Store.

Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to approve the beer permit for the Randall Area Lions Club for July 3rd & July 4th. Carried

Motioned by Noss and seconded by Turner to approve the parking area across the parking area across the VFW down to the Randall Liquor Store on July 3rd from 1-6 for the car show. Carried

Jerry – was inquiring about the 4th of July events. Yes, Matt just approved the fireworks for July 3rd, and as far as he knows everything is on track with the 4th of July committee.

Mayor Riitters – wanted to give the update about the Social Host Ordinance present back in February 2016 meeting. This was also brought to the city attorney Peter Vogel’s attention. After discussion, it has been recommended that adding this ordinance wouldn’t affect the city any different than what the law already enforces.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday June 15, 2016 7pm at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting room.