November 16, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
The minutes of the council meeting on October 19, 2016 were approved as presented.
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Andres to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Carried
Guests: None at this time.
Public Comment & Concern: None at this time.
Donations: Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Noss to approve annual contribution of $4,100 to Community Services for 2017. Carried
Old Business: All council members reviewed the ordinance and made additional revisions. Matt will take the Chicken Ordinance to city attorney, Peter Vogel, with additional corrections from the current meeting.
November 15, 2016 was the deadline for the Maintenance Supervisor position. The city received fourteen (14) resumes for the position. The Personnel Board will be meeting in December to start the interviewing process.
New Business: Accept the 2016 election results stated from the Minnesota Secretary of State: for Mayor of Randall, Danny L. Noss, with 161 votes and Bob Riitters 155. Council Members of Randall with two being elected: Rick Turner, with 190, James Chyba, with 137, Brian Zilka, with 118, and Andrew Haider, with 57.
Motioned by Turner and seconded by Andres to accept the 2016 election results stated from the Minnesota Secretary of State. Carried
Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to approve not waiving the monetary limits on tort liability recognized by Minnesota Statutes 466.04 for 2017. Carried
Council member Andres wanted the city council to get an estimate to re-shingle Bingo Park Building roof. The city received an estimate of $11,620. This is a project that can be planned into the budget for 2017.
Motioned by Andres and seconded by Turner to reactivate part-time Police Officer Mitchell Tavares at the rate of $19.00 an hour working 12 hours a week, and after a probationary period of three (3) months, an increase to $20.00 an hour. Carried
Motioned by Adamski and seconded by Noss to approve the following 2017 licenses: On-sale and Sunday liquor license for the Randall VFW Post 9073; 3.2 off-sale beer license for Petro Plus; and cigarette licenses for Gosch’s Store and Petro Plus; and 3.2 on-sale beer and wine on-sale license for Roger Pietron, Alaskan Fish.
Donna Lundgren and Mike Drew of the 4th of July Committee contacted the city council for a donation of $4500 for the 2017 4th of July Celebration.
Motioned by Noss and seconded by Andres to donate $4,500.00 for the 4th of July Celebration for 2017. Carried
In 2017 the city will be looking at using the Minnesota Revenue Recovering for delinquent utility account payments.
Planning & Zoning permits: No permits to approve for November.
Committee Reports:
City Manager/Liquor Store – Tri-City Paving came to Randall and did pavement repair on E 4th Street and Superior Avenue. The Randall Liquor Store will be getting new bar stools for $45.00 each and wanted to inform council that there are many patrons that have shown interest in purchasing the old bar stools at $20 each and $10.00 for ones that are in poor condition.
Water and Sewer – Mike: finished the annual sewer cleaning. The city did receive a grant for the test well and that will start in December at Well #1. Northland Drilling was the lowest bid and the city will be working with them.
Maintenance Supervisor Report – Wendell: been busy getting ready for winter. He has been on the east side of the railroad tracks trimming highline branches and clearing from electrical lines.
Police Department Report – Chief Strack: wanted to thank the city council for reactivating part-time Police Officer Mitchell Tavares. Also it was brought to his attention that the employee report had a mathematical error and will be fixed with a corrected copy for council by next meeting.
Council Member’s concerns:
Rick – None at this time Dan – None at this time Charley – None at this time
Jerry – The City of Randall has received one sealed bid for the used tar heating pot and related equipment. Accepted bid for $150.00.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be Wednesday December 21, 2016 7pm at the Randall Fire Hall Meeting room.